Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- what is the stress?
- Stress is a reaction your body experiences as a result of
demanding (exigente) circumstance or event that requires
immediate action and attention.
- Types
- Acute stress: this type of stress is a
short-term and it is the most common way
that stress occurs.
- Symptoms
- Short-term stress effects include tension
headaches and upset stomach.
- Episodic acute stress: a person with too many
commitments and poor organization can find
themselves displaying episodic stress symptoms
- Symptoms
- a tendency to be irritable and tense.
- Hormones
- Adrenaline or epinephrine, noradrenaline or norepinephrine, and cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid
hormone. too much cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar,
decrease libido – sexual desire, produce acne and contribute to obesity.
- Chronic stress: this is the most harmful type of stress and
grinds way (continua) over a long period. Ongoing poverty, a
dysfunctional family or an unhappy family.
- Symptoms
- final breakdown that can lead to suicide, violent
actions, heart attacks and strokes.
- Causes
- la reacción hace que su sistema nervioso produzca
hormonas y da como resultado una respiración
acelerada, un latido cardíaco más rápido, músculos
tensos e incluso una explosión repentina de energía.
- Diagnosis
- the reaction causes your nervous system to produce
hormones and results in quickened breathing, a faster
heartbeat, tightening muscles and even a sudden burst
of energy.
- Treatment
- Do something you enjoy, Connect with your loved ones ,Change your
- Stressors: external and internal
- External stressors: physical environment: noises, bright lights, heat, confined spaces, etc. Internal
stressors: life style choices, etc.
- Management
- one of the thinks you it is preferable to drink several liters of water and natural juices