Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Media Studies Theories
- Post Structuralism
- Suggests that it is not possibbe
to identify clear structures in
- Signs and signifiers (Barthes)
- Signs are interpreted through
cultural mythologies e.g Rose
signifies love
- Denotations and
connotations (Fiske)
- Connotations are codes that
are specific to particular
- Monopoly
- A single institution that
dominates a particular
- Oligopoly
- A small number of organisations
that dominate an industry
- Conglomerates
- A collection of companies owned
by a single institution
- Different ways of audiences
consuming media
- Primary media
- Audience watch it by
themselves directly
- Secondary Media
- Radio or TV providing background noise
whilst the audience are doing something
- Tertiary Media
- Audiences not even aware of consumption
such as walking into a shop and a radio
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