Marketing and Distributing


Marketing and Distributing
Shannon  Clarke
Slide Set by Shannon Clarke , updated more than 1 year ago
Shannon  Clarke
Created by Shannon Clarke about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Marketing and Distributing 
    Marketing:Having a movie genre makes it easier to make the marketing easier as it is assumed that the target audience is going to be in correlation with the genre movie. For example, sport or action based movies are most likely to be aimed at boys narrowing down the target audience.By releasing trailers of films, it makes it encourages people to go and see the film or to by it when its released. Some films use particular starts (see Dyer's star theory) to promote a movie. Other things like typography are also used.The most important thing about marketing a movie is making a brand identity that is recognisable so that the films "fame" is not short lived and profit is continued to be made. some genre's like Horror and Romance already have a branding identity. This could both limit and broaden their target audience, depending on the way that its marketed and distributed. 
    Distributing: Needs to have a distributor. This is an individual or a company which is going to represent the film and marketing around the world and who will be attempting to sell the film to other companies like airline companies and other companies who show films.The most important thing about making a film is making a profit on it, because if not, whats the point?Short film distributors tend to see them as a package deal so that they make a profit on them substantial. They like to use popular genre's and avoid 'adult' films in order to make their target audience as big as possible. 

Slide 2

    The 4 P's of Marketing: 
    The P's:The First (Product): Making a film clearly identifiable; stars, genre, special effects, and story are all things which need to be clearly conveyed to the the audience in order for the content to be obvious.The Second (Placing): the timing that the film is released is very important. For example, seasonal movie like christamas films will be released at christmas time in order for people to want to watch them. Also, it would depend on when other movies get released; if two of the same genre movie are released and showing in the cinema's in the same week then one is going to inevitably do worse than the other. it is better to release two popular movies which have different genre's so there isn't as much competition due to them having different target audiences.

Slide 3

    The 4 P's
    The Third (Promotion) : Anything which promotes the film: Trailers (TV/Cinemas) Printing (Ads/ Posters/ newspapers) Viral Video's Internet (social networking sites like Facebook and twitter) Any merchandise, anything that the film then sells(DVD's, posters, soundtracks, T-Shirts. Anything which can be associated with the brand of the film.)

Slide 4

    The 4 P's
    The fourth (Publicity): The publicity department of audio for a film can use talent (actors, directors, screenwriters) attached to a movie and will try gain maximum benefit from: News stories, magazine articles  The film premieres  Star interviews  Reviews and Profiles  Special effects documentaries, showing how the films are made.

Slide 5

    Every film has a "shelf- life", they have a brief time period which they'll be popular if the movie is likeable. Media can be distributed on live TV, weekly, personal viewing (at home), in cinema's, theatres. This can include DVD's video and blue-ray, downloads and television programs. A film's shelf life gets reduced until the distributors can then rely on the marketing and therefore the merchandise, and the DVS's which will be released.There can sometimes be a "straight to video" which means that the film gets released straight into personal viewing, skipping the "theatrical window" by not releasing it into the film into cinema's or theatre.Standard release: standard release is, after the movie is released, there is a time period before the release of the next viewing of the film. For example: After 16 and  half weeks, films stopping being hosted in cinema's and DVD's and Blur-ray get released to the public. After several more months, the film is then released to Pay TV. Two years later, film's are then free to aired and put onto demand (catch up TV).Interne distribution is still new when t comes to the film distribution platform.

Slide 6

    How will I Market and Distribute the film
    How will I Market and Distribute the film?
    The film would be distributed on a Friday, as most new releases in the UK.The film would have a standard release, as explained on the slide before, this means that after it being released at the cinema they would then be released on DVD and Blue Ray; then on Pay TV, followed by the release of the film , two years later, on the TV to be aired.
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