Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Critical Thinking Unit 1 (F501)
- A: the language of reasoning
- recognising arguments,
conclusions and reasons
- Argument: an attempt to persuade a
reader (or listener) to accept
something. An argument must have a
conclusion and at least one reason.
- Conclusion: the conclusion of an argument
is a statement of something that the writer
(or speaker) wants the reader (or listener)
to accept based on the reasons given.
- Reason: a statement that aims to persuade
the reader to accept a conclusion.
- Claim: a statement
or judgement that
can be challenged
(not supported by
- Argument
- Reason
- because, as, since,
due to, such as
- conclusion
- therefore, so, thus, it follows that,
consequently, should, ought
- because/therefore
- Counter-assertions,
counter-arguments, hypothetical
reasoning and assumptions
- Counter-argument: an
additional argument that
is against what the
conclusion seeks to
establish. The writer
normally presents the
counter-argument in
order to dismiss it.
- Counter-assertion: a reason that would
support an opponent's argument
- indicator words:
although, despite this,
however, it has been
said, contrary to this,
on the other hand,
some may argue
- Hypothetical reasoning: looks at the consequences that
might occur if something were the case. Usually using
form 'if this... then that...'. Indicator phrases include: if,
provided that, on condition that, given that...then...'
- assumption: a missing reason in the argument. The writer
accepts the assumption, but has not stated it. The
assumption is essential for the conclusion to be drawn
- Identifying evidence
and examples
- Fact: information that can be verified and that is held to be true
- Factual claim: a statement or judgement based on
information that can be verified and that is held to be true
- Evidence: something that is used to develop or
support a reason. Evidence is often in the form of
numerical data, an estimate, or a factual claim
- Example: something which is used as evidence
because it is characteristic of the same kind of things
or because it can serve to illustrate a principle
- Analysing and
evaluating reasoning
- Evaluating how well
evidence/reasons support
- relevant?
- comprehensive
- large and relevant
sample size
- random sample
- Use PEA (P: the reasoning is weak/strong
because... E: quote from text, A: why this
evidence supports your point
- consistent
- factual error?
- hypothetical?
- overdrawn
- contradictory?
- B: Credibility
- Credibility criteria
- credibility: whether someone's claims or evidence can be believed
- Plausibility: whether or not a claim or piece of evidence is reasonable
- Reputation
- can be negative or positive
- previous performance, behaviour, actions
- not always
a reliable
basis for
- Ability to see/perceive
- eye-witness
- hearsay
- Vested interest
- usually financial
- can occasionally
strengthen the
- e.g. giving true account of events to maintain a job
- Expertise
- skills
- experience
- training
- specialist
- Neutrality (bias)
- impartial
- no reason to favour
one side over another
- Assessing credibility of
individuals, organisations,
and documents
- credibility of the writer
- credibility criteria
- plausibility of the writer's claims
- how far the
article or report is
balanced account
- draws on relevant sources
- credibility of the
source organisation