Biological approach


Mindmap am Biological approach, erstellt von laurenjpickard97 am 22/04/2015.
Mindmap von laurenjpickard97, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von laurenjpickard97 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Biological approach
  1. Assumptions
    1. Psychological charictoristics have a physiological cause.
      1. have a physical cause and therefore should be treated with medication or surgery like pysical illness
        1. For example: Antidepressiants for depression.
      2. Genes influence our behaviour.
        1. We inherited psychological charictoristics in the same ways a physical ones.
          1. For example aggressive behaviour is inherited like eye colour.
      3. Theory.
        1. General adaptation syndrome.( Genral applied to the population, adaptation part of evoluion, and syndrome, effects the body).
          1. Developed after rats exposed to the same stressor all died. do humans all deal with stress in the same way?
            1. Stage one: Alarm
              1. Become aware of the stressor and the body gets ready to fight or flee.
                1. Hypothalamus
                  1. Adrenal Medulla
                      1. Pupils dilate
                        1. Eyes let in more light
                          1. See better.
                        2. Heart beat increases.
                          1. More blood supplied to muscles
                            1. Can flee (run faster)
                2. Stage 2: resistance.
                  1. Continue to fight or flee
                    1. Hypothalamus
                      1. Pituitary Gland
                        1. Hoarmone
                          1. Adrenal Cortex.
                            1. Cortisol
                              1. Regulates glucose levels by breaking down fat storage. Continue to fight or flee
                  2. Stage 3: Exhaustion.
                    1. The body releases the hoarmones to its supply runs out.
                      1. After long term exposure to the stressor, cortisol in high doses causes a weakened immune system causing stress related illnesses like high blood pressure, colds, heart disease and ulcers.
                3. Therapy
                  1. Chemotherapy.
                    1. Genral term for drug treatment used to treated mental disorders.
                      1. The aim of chemotherapy is to interfear with the neurotransmitter activity in the synapse between neurons to either increase or decrease chemical messages.
                        1. Asumptions
                          1. Mental illness has a physiological cause.
                            1. Chemical messengers effect our behaviour (ABNORMAL LEVELS ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR)
                            2. How it works.
                              1. AD Depression
                                1. Depression caused by too little seratonine
                                  1. Stop reabsorbtion.
                                    1. Seratonine stay in synapse for longer
                                      1. Higher chance bind to recpeters.
                                        1. Increase in message.
                                          1. Increase mood
                                2. AP for schizophrenia
                                  1. Caused by high dopamine levels.
                                    1. Block synapse receptors.
                                      1. Less dopamine molecules can bind
                                        1. Decreased messages.
                                          1. Decreased Symptoms.
                            3. Strenghs
                              1. Useful practical applications
                                1. Has aspects that are useful/helpful in changing behaviour in a positive way.
                                  1. Chemotherapy, help people with mental illness to ease symptoms and improve quality of life.
                                2. Sciencetific.
                                  1. Objective explanations, identifies variables which can be manipulates, controlled and messured to identify a causal relationship.
                                    1. IV seratonin levels, DV symptoms are manipulated by drugs to see relationship..
                                3. Weaknesses.
                                  1. Reductionist.
                                    1. Reduces complex human behaviours into basic explanations which means we could loose full understand of that behaviour as a result.
                                      1. Depression with variety of symptoms unlikley to be caused by one nuerotransmitter.
                                    2. Ignores nurture
                                      1. Ignores that we develop pschological charictoristics through our enviroment and experiances
                                        1. Based on assumption that genes influence our behaviour.
                                    3. Methodology.
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