Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Types of pathways
- HPA pathway(long-term)-
Hypothalamus- pituatry
adrenal gland- releases ACTH
hormone into the
bloodstream- travels to cortex
and releases corticosteroids.
- SAM pathway(short-term)-
Hypothalamus-ANS adrenal
medulla- sends adrenaline
into blood(fight or flight)-
parasympathetic system-
activates noradrenaline.
- Types of immunity
- Natural immunity- white
blood cells, NK cells. Absorb
invading pathogens such as
viruses + bacteria.
- Specific immunity-
Recognise invading
pathogens + produce
specific antibodies
- Cellular immunity- T-cells.
Attack pathogens.
- Humoral immunity-
B-cells. Secrete
- Workplace Stress
- Cohen- How stress affects
vunerability to the common cold.
394 participants completed
questionnaires on the number of
stressful life events from that
year. Then exposed to the
common cold. 82% become
infected. Cohen concluded that life
stress and negative emotions
reduce the effectiveness of our
immune system.
- Methodological issues- No direct
manipulation of the IV and so
relationship is only correlative, not
cause and effect. No direct
measures of immune fuction.
Does not state which stress index
is most important.
- Ethical issues- Unethical
to be infecting
participants with cold
virus. Participants should
be able to give fully
informed consent and be
debriefed afterwards.
- Kiecolt-Glaser- How naturalistic life
stressors affect immune functions(
measured by NK cell activity). 75
medical students blood samples were
taken and NK cell activity was
measured. It was concluded that
stress reduces immune function.
- Methodological issues-
Did not assess illness
outcomes. Only uses
medical students so
results cannot be
generalised to everyone.
NK cell activity is only
one component of the
complex immune
function system e.g.
natural immunity.
- Ethical Issues- Participants would need to give
fully informed consent, be debriefed and be aware
of the mild stress of having their immune function
measured. Small amount of pain was inflicted on
participants and medical supervision would be
- Johansson-Looked at sawmill
workers in Sweden in
particular two lines of
work..the cleaners and the
finishers. It was found that the
finishers experienced more
workplace stress than the
cleaners due to their job role
having more responsibility,
them feeling more rushed and
pressured and having to work
in isolation. They also had
more sick days.
- Advantages- Researchers suggested that the
finishers got fixed wages, rotated rotas and
improved social contact so that they had
more control. This decreased the amount of
stress seen and so it can be said to be
applicable. As these were real workers doing
their daily jobs, the study is high in mundane
realism and ecological validity.
- Issues- There could've been
multiple reasons for absenteeism
or stress. Johansson could only
assign correlations to the
variables and not
cause-and-effect. Self-reporting
measures are, as always,
vulnerable to social desirability
bias and other forms of distortion.
However, the hard biological
measures the researchers took
help to confirm the results of the
self-reporting. As the study was
conducted only on Swedish men,
it can be criticised for potential
cultural bias and gender bias
- Causes of
workplace stress-
interface, lack of
control, workload
- Marmot
Find out if
there is a link
stress and
CHD. Male
and female
civil servants
- Life changes
- Holmes & Rahe- Created
the SRRS of 43 LCU's such
as Death of Spouse,
pregnancy and christmas to
explain how high LCU
scores can be linked to
stress-related illness
- Issues- The study was carried out in
the US and so the events and how
they were rated would have been
culturally specific. The rating was
based on retrospective information
and so participants may have
forgotten or changed the
- Daily hassles and daily uplifts
- Gervais- Shows how daily uplifts
neutralise the effects of daily
hassles and has an overall
positive effect as a result. Nurses
were made to keep diaries in
which they had to record all daily
hassles and uplifts experienced at
work. After a month it was clear
that daily hassles decreased job
performance however daily
uplifts appeared to cancel out the
daily hassles and increased job
- Personality types
- Hardiness- A personality type
described by Karasek consisting
of high levels of control,
commitment & challenge.
- Type A- TAB refers to a pattern of behaviour that
has been linked to vunerability to stress-related
illness. Rosenman studied 3'154 middle-aged men
on the west coast US. They were categorised as
either TAB or TBB by structured interview. They
were followed up 8.5 years later and during that
time there were 257 heart attacks. 69% of which
were in the TAB group.
- Issues- The study is culturally and gender
specific so findings cannot be
generalised. The TAB definitions are
based on Western cultural concepts.
There are many individual lifestyle
variables that affect vunerability to heart
- Advantages- High ecological validity.
Participants were volunteers giving
informed consent. They were not
manipulated in any way and so there is
little chance of psychological harm.
- Type B-
resistant to
- Psychological
stress management
- CBT + hardiness training- A structured
approach to therapy but acknowledges that
complex cognitive processes are important in
psychological disorders. It is an effective
treatment for depression and social anxiety. It
is more effective for treating certain phobias
while more severe conditions such as
schizophrenia are not obviously suited to
CBT.Developed by Beck & Kobassa
- Issues- It ignores all genetic
and biological factors such as
depression. It is not tailored for
everyone and is costly.
- Advantages- Can be as
effective as medication
in treating some
mental health
disorders and may be
helpful in cases where
medication alone has
not worked. Can be
completed in a
relatively short period
of time compared to
other talking therapies.
- Systematic desensitisation- A behaviour therapy
technique where people with phobias are gradually
exposed until the fear stops. The therapist
performs deep relaxation procedures, over a series
of sessions the client will cope with every level of
their phobia.
- Advantages- Systematic
desensitization is highly
effective where the
problem is a learned
anxiety of specific
objects/situations (e.g.
- Issues- It is a slow
process. It is not
effective in
treating serious
mental disorders
like depression and
schizophrenia. It
only treats the
symptoms not the
underlying cause.
- Psychoanalysis-
Developed by Freud.
Focusses on the
unconscious mind,
memories and unresolved
conflicts from childhood. A
therapist uses a range of
techniques to uncover
repressed feelings and
- Issues- It can be very
time-consuming and costly. Many
people do not respond to
medications or brief therapy
- Advantages- It helps
uncover repressed
- What is stress?
- The body's reaction that
requires a physical, mental or
emotional response.
- Biological stress management
- ECT- Involves passing a small electrical current
through the brain. This current causes the
equivalent of a seizure seen in epilepsy. It was
first introduced in the 1930s as a treatment for
- Issues- It has ethical issues as it can
result in memory
impairment and often the
patient is not in the correct
mental state to give
informed consent. It is now
only recommended for
servere cases who have tried
other forms of treatment.
- Psychosurgery- Extremley rare biological treatment
which involves systematically damaging the brain- Often
called a Frontal Labotamy and most commonly used in
the 1950s and now replaced by drug therapy.
- Issues- Judging its effectiveness is
hard as it did not target the
disorder directly but just the
symptoms. It also has ethical issues
as damage to the brain is
irreversible and unpredictable.
- Drugs (Benzodiazapines)- A
group of drugs used to treat
anxiety, stress and sleep
disorders. Prolonged use of
benzodiazapines is associated
with addiction of the drug,
drowsiness and memory
- Issues- Benzodiazapines are
highly addictive. Cognitive
defects are being increasingly
recognised in benzodiazepine
users. While these are reversible
in short term users the question
as to whether long term users
suffer an increasing dementia
- Advantages- Evidence to prove they work.
Relatively safe even if overdose. Can treat
- Drugs (Beta-blockers)- They reduce the activity of
adrenaline and noradrenaline which are part of
the sympathomedullary response to stress.
- Advantages- They also lower blood pressure in patients
who have high blood pressure. In patients who have
had a heart attack, beta blocker reduces the risk of
recurrent heart attacks.
- Issues- Beta blockers have been associated
with weakness, fatigue, tiredness, and with
shortness of breath. And these are the
symptoms of heart failure