Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Behaviorism
- Classical conditioning
( Pavlov)
- Operant Conditioning
- Social Learning
- Models
- Direct Instruction
- Mastery Learning
- Proponents
- Cognitivism
- Stage Theory of
Cognitive (Piaget)
- Models
- Information processing
- based on Interaction
- Contructivism
- Discovery Learning (Bruner)
- Social Development Theory
- Situated Learning (Lave)
- Models
- Active learning
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Cooperative learning
- Inquiry based method
- Project-based method
- Seminar method
- Cased-based learning
- Social Interaction or
- Design-based
- ARCS ( KellerI
- Multimodality ( Kress)
- Motivational and Humanist
- Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
- Experimental Learning (Kolb)
- Personal Development
- 21st Century Skills
- P21
- Multiple Intelligence
- Holism