Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Bilingualism in Colombia
- Professionally
- Factors
- economic
- weaknesses
- weaknesses lack of job
oportunidaes by the foreign
- lack of doing business
- benefits
- duplication of wages
- the expancion business
- duplicaacion the utility company
- social
- benefits
- the fluid communication world
- teachings and understandings
- change stigmatization of Colombians
- societies to meet us as we
- weaknesses
- Bullying affects foreign
- stigma with us
- racism on the "inferiority"
- cultural
- benefits
- learn and teach the
world, travel
- be spontaneous, to those
apathetic societies
- weaknesses
- demonstrate the culture to the surface,
as we capture with nustro Creole dialect
- market
- weaknesses
- estancanos in everyday
- have low positions
- not be admitted to
- entorpeser functions on
our language
- benefits
- be highly
- vocational
- export products
- political
- benefits
- agusto feel and
quiet with laws
- teach good
references of our
- access for the
whole family
- our Founding
Fathers handle
a good profile
- weaknesses
- fluidity of external
- smoothly with the laws,
by the comprencion
- lack of knowledge in
reaching a new country
- technological
- weaknesses
- any technology we would difficult
- benefits
- will have unlimited access
- understand the real options of equipment
- would access easier mind without errors
- comprencion and manuals would be more accurate
- benefits would more generally in any of the factors affecting our future