Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion and Early Life
- Key Terms
- Conception
- The egg meeting the sperm in fertilisation
- Abortion
- Deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the womb to terminate the pregnancy
- Quality of Life
- What a persons life should be like for it to be worth living
- Miracle of Life
- Becoming pregnant is so special, it's a miracle
- Laws
- 1967 abortion act
- 28 weeks before abortion in UK
- Human fertilisation and embryology act 1990
- Reduced to 24 weeks
- 2 doctors agree
- Dangers to metal/physical health
- Mental/physical disabilities
- Existing children may be affected
- Children
- Want
- Carry on family
- Completes family
- Expression of love
- Religious duty to accept the gift of life from God
- Don't want
- Too expensive
- Not ready for responsibility
- Not in a happy relationship
- Medical reasons
- Not right age/position to care for a child
- Arguments
- Pro life
- Not abort for disability
- Foetus should not be treated as waste
- God created all life so humans must protect it
- All life is sacred and deserving of protection
- Abortion is murder and murder is wrong
- All life has potentional
- Foetus must have a voice
- Life of foetus is important as mothers
- Pro choice
- A woman has the right to choose what happens to her body
- Some foetuses are so damaged, it would be cruel to let them be borm
- A woman should have an abortion if her life is at risk
- Abortion if rape
- Foetus is not life
- Women would have abortion, except not legal
- Religion
- Attitudes to abortion
- Islam
- It is wrong but law does allow it - necessary evil
- Destroys Allah's plan for life
- Ensoulment after 120 days. OK before this point
- OK if woman's life at risk
- Christianity
- Last resort
- Protestants - necessary evil
- Catholics - totally against
- Teachings
- Islam
- Life is sacred
- Allah has planned our lives
- It is wrong to kill
- Allah decides when we are born and when we die
- We are all created by Allah
- Christianity
- 10 commandments say it is wrong to kill
- God planned our lives
- All humans created in the image of God
- All life is special
- God is in charge of life, not us
- Alternatives to Abortion
- Keep it
- Choose to risk own life
- Fostering
- Adoption
- Right to choose
- Mother
- Father
- Doctor
- Religious Leader
- Quality of Life
- Have we the right to decide the quality of life of another?
- Many disabled people are able to enjoy and achieve in life
- Do you miss what you never had eg. sight and hearing
- Life should always be given a chance and medical science could help in the future