Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Theories of Learning
- Main stages
- Behaviourism
- Pavlov & Skinner
- Mechanical process
- Reinforcement of stimulus-response
- Audiolingual method
- Mother tongue learning
- Pattern practice (drills)
- Meaningful contexts
- Just imitative habit formation
- Mentalism
- Chomsky
- Rule governed
- Mind experiences
- Acquiring rules
- hypothesis
- Underlying pattern
- Prediction
- Cognitive Code
- Learner
- Active processor
- Think
- Make sense of data
- Meaningful interpretation
- Problem-solving task
- Learners' subject specialism
- Reading strategies
- Conscious students
- Not sufficient
- The Affective Factor
- Learners are people
- Cognitive and emotional
- Gardner & Lambert
- Motivation
- Instrumental
- External need
- Integrative
- Learners' desire
- Individual matter
- Relevance to perceived needs
- Intrinsically motivating
- Satisfactional experienc
- Learning & Acquisition
- Unconsciously
- A Model for Learning
- Network
- Communication Links
- Existing Knowledge
- New Items
- Softer
- Harder
- Further Learning
- Enormous leap
- Solving problems
- Obstacles ≠ Difficult learning
- Need to establish the links
- Enjoy challenges