Modifications of the SAP Standard


Vitor Moreira
Mindmap von Vitor Moreira, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Vitor Moreira
Erstellt von Vitor Moreira vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Modifications of the SAP Standard
  1. Originals and Copies
    1. An Object is original in only one system, objects delivered by SAP are original. in customer systems the are only copies for all the systems. When you write your own program, the objects are originals
      1. Changes to an original object are call corrections, but if you modify a copy the are call Repairs.
        1. WARRING: you only should modify the standard if is real necessary for optimizing workflows in your company.
    2. Modifications and upgrades
      1. when you upgrade your system, conflits can occur with modified objects.
        1. if you want keep the changes, you must perform a modification ajust
          1. WARRING: if to many object the modification adjustment can be very time consuming. and only perform modification adjustment in your development system.
      2. modification implementation
        1. you need to have a registration key to modify the SAP source. SSCR (SAP Software Change Registration)
          1. Quick error resolution an high availability of modified systems. SAP logs all the objects you changed helping support to locate and fix problems. Dependable operation. Registering your modifications prevents unintended modification. simplification pf upgrades
            1. WARRING: after completing the development you must document the changes made. and test and check the import log of the request.
        2. Critical Success Factors
          1. Use standardized in line documentation
            1. Do not delete any SAP source code, instead comment it out
              1. keep a modification logbook
                1. Do not modify any central basis Dictionary objects
                  1. Release all requests that contain repairs
                  2. Versions
                    1. When you release a change request, a new version is written to the version database.
                      1. Modification Assistant
                        1. records changes in separate layer. the original source code of the object does not change
                          1. the system check if is also a new version for your modification, if not they incorporates your changes in the new version automatically.
                          2. to do changes you need: SSCR and a Change request
                            1. actions
                              1. insert
                                1. replace
                                  1. delete
                                    1. undo modifications
                                      1. Display modifications overview
                                          1. User exits
                                            1. Are empty subroutines that are provided by the SAP developers.
                                              1. they are in a especial include in a module pool
                                      2. Modification Adjustment
                                        1. you can compare the old and new versions using transactions SPDD SPAU
                                          1. you do not have to call transaction SPDD
                                            1. you did not make any changes to SAP standard
                                              1. you have only added customer objects to your system.
                                              2. SPDD
                                                1. Domains
                                                  1. Data elements
                                                    1. Tables
                                                    2. SPAU
                                                      1. ABAP programs
                                                        1. Interfaces (menus)
                                                          1. Screens
                                                            1. Matchcode objects
                                                                1. Lock objects
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