Zusammenfassung der Ressource
CIF contracts
- Ross T Smyth and Co Ltd v TD Bailey, Son and Co: Lord Wright => CIF is "a type of
contract which is more widely and more frequently in use than any other contract
used for purposes of sea-borne commerce. An enormous number of transactions, in
value amounting to untold sums, are carried out under CIF contracts."
- What is a CIF contract?
- 'Cost, insurance, freight': price of goods is inclusive of freight
(consideration, reward payable in respect of carriage) and insurance
costs to the destination specified by the contract
- Arnhold Karberg v Blythe, Green, Jourdain and Co: CIF contract
is not a contract that goods shall arrive, but a contract to
supply goods that comply with the contract of sale and to
obtain a contract for carriage and contract of insurance
(Scrutton J)
- Advantages for S
- S can charge higher price taking into
account extra services he provides
- Higher margin of profit: S may be able to obtain
reasonable rates for freight and insurance
- Liquidity issue: S is usually paid before
goods arrive at destination
- Vitol SA v Norelf Ltd: sometimes parties may have
agreed that payment will occur 30 days after date of
bill of lading so not always the case
- Advantages for B
- Convenience: B does not have to undertake task of finding shipping
space or insurance (may be difficult in foreign country) + risk of
increase in transp and insurance costs stay with S
- Goods do not have to be paid for until rlvt docs are tendered;
B can then sell goods to 3rd party on strength of docs
- B gets right to sue carrier under Carriage of
Goods by Sea act 1992 with transfer of BoL
- Where foreign currencies are healthy, people tend to use CIF but
if not, they use FOB because this will result in a saving of freight
and insurance payable to S in hard currency under CIF
- Colombia, Algeria, Pakistan and Iran
prohibit imports on CIF terms
- Judicial definition of a CIF contract
- Johnson v Taylor Bros: Lord Atkinson, CIF
contract => when S and B enter into CIF
contract, S is bound to do the following
- 1) to make an invoice of goods sold
- 2) to ship at the port of shipment goods
of the description contained in contract
- 3) to procure a contract of affreightment
under which the will be delivered at the
destination contemplated by the contract
- 4) to arrange for an insurance upon the terms current
in the trade which will be available for the benefit of B
- 5) send to B invoice, BoL and policy of assurance, delivery of
which will be symbolic delivery of the goods thus entitling S to
- If CIF contract does not specify tender of shipping docs, they must
prima facie be tendered at residence or place of business of B
- Hindley and Co Ltd v East India Produce Co Ltd:
possible for S to contract on CIF terms for
goods that are already AFLOAT where
- 1) S may have shipped goods prior to the sale, hoping to find
Bs while cargo is on the seas; ship is floating warehouse.
Advantages for S: S can take advantage of price fluctuations
- 2) S may have bought goods from 3rd party when they were
already afloat (string of contract => CIF to CIF to CIF)
- Law and Bonar Ltd v British American Tobacco Ltd: contract of sale was on CIF terms but also
had clause stating that risk was to stay with S until actual delivery to B. Held: clause was
inapplicable => where a contract is expressed to be on CIF terms, it should be construed as CIF
contract and clauses repugnant thereto should be disregarded
- Comptoir d'Achat et de Vente Boerenbond Belge SA v Luis Ridder
Limitada (The Julia): S sold 500 tons of rye to B; HoL => even
though contract was expressed on CIF terms, it could not be
construed as CIF contract on reading all the terms of the contract
since Ss never intended to part with property of goods until the
moment of delivery. Not every contract which is expressed to be
a CIF contract is such, the true effect of all its terms must be
taken into account
- Lord Porte: vital question is whether B paid for docs as
representing the goods or for the delivery of the goods
themselves. It is not CIF contract even in a modified form
but a contract to deliver at Antwerp.
- Question was whether the delivery order had imparted any rights of
control over cargo to buyers; symbolic delivery of the goods had not
taken place when delivery order was tendered to the buyers
- Is a CIF contract simply
a sale of documents?
- Arnold Karberg v Blythe, Green, Jourdain and Co: CIF
contract is not a sale of goods but a sale of documents
relating to the goods. B buys documents, not goods (Scrutton J)
- CoA rejected this, saying a CIF contract is a
contract for the sale of goods to be
performed by the delivery of documents
- May be possible to accept Scrutton's statement
because a number of legal rights + abilities attach to the
- Mambre Saccharine v Corn Products: example =>
B's obligation to pay against tender of docs
- Kwei Tek Chao v British Traders and Shippers: right to reject bad tender
- Hindley and Co Ltd v East Indian Produce Co Ltd: S sold goods to B, S had obtained BoL from third party. On arrival, no
goods. S said not liable because a contract of sale under CIF was a sale of documents and performance took place with
delivery of docs. Ss were merely parties in a strong of sales. Held: CIF contract is a contract for sale of goods to be
performed by delivery of docs + no reason why Ss who were shippers should be distinguished from Ss who were not.
- Duties of S under a CIF contract
- s13 Sale of Goods Act 1979: where sale takes place by
description, it is an implied condition that the goods will
correspond to that description
- Mambre Saccharine Co v Corn Products: contract was for sale of starch in 280 lb
bags. Cargo was shipped partly in 280 bags partly in 140 bags. Held: packaging is
part of the description of the goods.
- Bowes v Shand: contract to take place during March and April 1874, but part was
shipped in February and the rest in March. Held: buyers not bound to take rice
shipped during Feb because time is part of the description of the goods
- Reason 1: funding + payment (if it arrives
earlier, B may not be ready to pay yet)
- Reason 2: because these contracts are often entered into along
with other contracts, might have been difficult to meet
obligations with other contracting parties
- Aron (J) and Co v Comptoir Weigmont: confirms Bowes, timing was more than a mere warranty (such as the description of the goods) but it was a condition
- s15A Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994: where breach is so slight that it would be unreasonable for B
to reject goods + B is not acting as a consumer, not breach of condition but rather breach of warranty
=> might affect packaging condition but probs not time condition
- PJ van der Zijden Wildhandel NV v Tucker and Cross Ltd: S may buy goods whilst afloat and allocate them to the contract
- Common for B to ask S for notice of
appropriation; appropriation attaches
goods to contract
- B is entitled to reject when there is
a breach of notice of appropriation
- Société Italo-Belge pour le Commerce et l'industrie v Palm and Vegetable Oils
Sdn Bhd (The Post Chaser): notice of appropriation was passed up the string
of contract to NOGA who rejected it; held: normal that traders attach great
importance to the necessity of passing on all such notices without delay
- Grain Union SA Antwerp v Hans Larsen A/S Aalborg: buyer is entitled to reject cargo
where notice of appropriation declares a different ship than in reality shipping the goods
- S has responsibility to check that goods have actually been
shipped, not enough to just leave them with shipowner
- Duty to procure and prepare documents
- Invoice
- Bill of lading
- Insurance polcy
- Invoice
- Ireland v Livingstone: S must tender to B an invoice 'debiting the consignee with the agreed price
(or the actual cost and commissions with the premiums of insurance, freight) and giving him credit
for the amount of the freight which he will have to pay the shipowner on actual delivery'
- Bill of Lading
- Diamond Alkali v Bourgeois: 'received for shipment' BoL
not sufficient for CIF contract because it's a receipt
- BoL must be 'clean': must not contain any reservations entered
into by carrier as to the apparent condition or packing of goods
- Landauer and Co v Craven and Speeding Bros: BoL not proper
because did not cover the entirety of the voyage + the fact
that insurance policy covered entire journey irrelevant
- James Finlay and Co v Kiwk Hoo Tong: B may
rejected goods were BoL shows incorrect date
- Delivery order - a good substitution?
- Only where delivery order allows B to exercise control over the goods
- Warren Import Gesellschaft, Krohn and Co v Internationale Graanhandel Thegra NV:
held that delivery orders were insufficient substitutions because 1) they were
addressed to persons who were not yet in possession of the goods and 2) there was
no understanding on part of anyone that the goods would be delivered to B => no
indication that B were to be placed in position of control over the goods
- Insurance
- Lindon Tricotagefabrik v White and Meacham: S did not obtain insurance
cover for entire transit and so was unsuccessful in obtaining price of goods
when they were stolen while awaiting delivery to B's address
- Kind of cover and amount of cover
- Policy covering 'all risks' => all risks cover
- Free of capture, seizure and detention cover
- Choice depends on facts determined by taking into account kind of cargo,
route of voyage, practices accepted as usual in the trade
- Borthwick v Bank of New Zealand: if it is usual to obtain 'all risks' cover in the trade, S could
be in breach for not getting that cover and B would be able to reject docs (right of rejection)
- Tonvaco v Lucas; Harland and Wolff v Burstall: amount of cover must
include freight charges and a percentage of the expected profits + amount
should be reasonable in light of value of cargo
- Insurance to cover subject-matter
of sale and entire transit
- Hickox v Adams: where insurance covers not only B's good but also goods
belonging to others, S is in breach of his obligations under CIF contract
- Landauer and Co v Craven and Speeding Bros: where insurance covers only
part of voyage, B can reject docs; insurance must cover entire journey
- Policy
- Substitution of insurance policy by docs containing
written statement of the existence of the policy will not
be regarded as good substitution
- Mambre Saccharine Co Ltd v Corn Products Co Ltd: S informed B by letter that
cargo was covered by insurance in accordance with terms of policy of insurance;
policy covered cargo other than cargo subject to sale. Held: vast difference
between letter and insurance policy that was transferrable under s50(3) of
Marine Insurance Act 1906. Letter was not acceptable subsitution
- Diamond Alkali Export Corp v FI Bourgeois: certificate of
insurance is not a good substitution either
- Burstall v Grinsdal: may be possible to substitute insurance policy with
certificate of insurance where contract of sale expressly provides for
the tender of the certificate of insurance
- Malmberg v HJ Evans ad Co: S tendered a policy of Swedish
company in which B rejected on grounds that it was foreign; held: a
foreign policy valid in every respect is a good tender
- Licences
- Export licences: responsibility of S
- Mitchell Cotts and Co (Middle East Ltd) v Hairco ltd:
import licenses are responsibility of B
- Tender of documents
- S must tender BoL, insurance
policy, docs required by custom
and an invoice
- Borrowman, Phillips and Co v Free and Hollis: shipping docs
had not been tendered so B rejected goods; S subsequently
offered maize on board other ship, B rejected this. CoA =>
doctrine of election does not apply because B's contentions was
that cargo was not in accordance with contract. Subsequent
tender was good (but this case did not deal with tender of docs
although difficult to see why it could not be applied)
- When must the documents be tendered?
- If the seller holds onto documents for a
length of time after receipt, then his
behaviour will be deemed unreasonabel
- Sanders v Maclean: S must take all reasonable measures to
tender docs to buyer as soon as possible; Shipping
documents must be tendered within a reasonable time and
paid for on endorsement by the buyer
- Toepfer v Verheijdens Veervoeder Commissieurhandel: if
delay in tendering docs, B is entitled to reject them
- Horst V Biddell: docs must arrive at least in time
to discharge the goods on arrival
- Place of tender
- The Albazero:
docs must be
tendered, in
absence of
provision, to B's
place of business
or residence
- Seller's remedies
- Action for price
- s49(1) SGA: S can sue B for price where property in
goods has passed to B and he wrongfully neglects or
refuses to pay for the goods
- Damages for
- s50(1) SGA: S can sue buyer for damages for
non-acceptance where he wrongfully neglects or refuses to
pay for the goods. For CIF contracts, time for acceptance
would be time when the docs should have been accepted by
- Passing of property
- s2(1): S agrees to transfer the property in the goods to the
buyer for a money consideration called price
- Rowland v Divall: a B who acquires goods from S who
is not an owner of property can recover moneys paid
on grounds of a total failure of consideration
- Passing of property not related to delivery or possession
- Insolvency: where property remains with the seller, the goods will
not become part of pool to be distributed to buyer's creditors were B
to become insolvent; S will be able to repossess goods
- Loss or damage of goods: risk generally passes with property; risk of loss
or damage will be borne by person who has property in goods BUT for CIF
contracts, risk and property are not linked
- Claim for payment of price: if prop has passed to B who refuses to
take delivery of goods, S can sue for price (s49(1))
- Number of possibilities for passing prop
- 1) property could pass when goods are placed
on board the ship (on shipment, although
unusual for CIF contracts)
- The Kronprinsessan Margareta:
retention on BoL by S is likely to
suggest that S intended to reserve
right of disposal
- 2) prop could pass upon transfer of
docs and payment of B to S
- The Glenroy: for most CIF
contracts, prop passes this way
- Kwei Tek Chao v British Traders
and Shippers Ltd: if goods are
not in conformity with contract,
prop would revest in S
- 3) prop could pass on tender of BoL even
though B has not paid for goods if S has
agreed to give credit to B
- 4) where goods form part of a bulk, prop
can pass only when goods are ascertained
- Re Wait: B bought goods out of bulk, B paid
paid S for goods but before they could be
ascertained, S went bankrupt. Held: question
of passage of property had to be determined
on basis of the statute, according to which
prop had not passed to B (s16 very unjust)
- Passing of risk
- s20 SGA: risk passes with property but not true for CIF contracts
- Risk passes on shipment and property passes
much later (when docs are tendered by B)
- Mambre Saccharine Co Ltd v Corn Products Co Ltd: B in case of loss will
get docs he bargained for and if policy is that required by contract and
the loss is covered thereby, he will secure insurance money
- C Groom Ltd v Barber: goods were lost before appropriation to the
contract due to war. Insurance policy did not cover this. No right of
action against carrier, B had to pay for goods against tender of docs
- The seller is required to obtain insurance only on minimum cover. Should the buyer wish to have the
protection of greater cover, he would either need to agree as much expressly with the seller or to
make his own extra insurance arrangements.
- Duties of B
- Payment against docs
- B cannot postpone payment until arrival of goods
- Mambre Saccharine Co ltd v Corn Products: docs were tendered to B 2
days after submarine sank ship carrying cargo; S knew but still tendered
docs. Held: because all docs were in order, S could tender them to B. B
will look to insurers to recoup their losses.
- Payment must be in currency agreed on and any fluctuation in currency is a S's risk
- Alan (WJ) and Co Ltd v El Nasr Export and Import Co: S can
protect himself against currency fluctuations through express
and unambiguous clauses in the contract
- Gill & Dufus v Berger: On production of all the relevant documents,
providing they are all in order, that is to say they are conforming
documents, the buyer must accept the documents and pay the seller
- B to name port of destination
- B to inform S of port of destination
before shipment is due
- B to take delivery
- B must take delivery at port of destination + is
responsible for unloading charges
- Import licences
- B is responsible for obtaining any licences
required for importing the cargo, unless parties
have agreed otherwise in the contract
- B is to pay customs and other duties at the port of arrival
- Buyer's remedies
- Right of rejection
- 1) Rejection of documents
- B can reject docs upon tender where S does not
tender right docs or where docs are incorrect
- Kwei Tek Chao v British Traders and Shippers: S sold good to B, date of
shipment was to be October 31, goods were not loaded until November 3.
Goods accepted by Bs and passed on to sub-Bs who requested cancellation
when discovering mistake. B brought action against S. Held: two rights of
rejection; failure to reject goods on arrival did not extinguish right to claim
damages for loss of right to reject docs.
- 2) Rejection of goods
- s13: B can reject goods if they do not match description
- s14: B can reject goods if they are not of satisfactory quality
- s15A: where breach is slight, may be treated as breach of warranty
rather than breach of condition and so B cannot reject
- B must exercise his right to reject within a reasonable time, to be
determined by taking into account existing circumstances