Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Definitions
- Reality testing impaired, markedly interferes
with capacity to meet everyday demands
- Psychosis is a symptom,
not a diagnosis
- Schizophrenia diagnosis
- Hallucinations
- Sensory perception that
has the compelling sense
of reality of a true
perception but that
occurs without external
stimulation of the
relevant sensory organ
- Social/occupational dysfunction
- 6 month duration
- Delusions
- A tenaciously held belief,
which does not respond
to reason and that is
judged to be at odds with
the individual's usual
culture & environment
- Disorganised speech
- Thought form.
- Negative symptoms
- Lack of motivation
- Problems with diagnosis
- Reliability & validity, disagreements,
- Symptom-based approaches
- Continuum hypothesis
- 1/5 of normal population
have experienced
hallucinations & delusions
- Causes
- Stress-vulnerability Model
(Zubin & Spring, 1977)
- Genetics
- 89% have no relative
with condition
- Closer bio relationship - greater
risk of relative having it
- Dopamine hypothesis
- Schizophrenia, amphetamine
psychosis & Parkinson's disease
- Neuroleptics can also stop
amphetamine psychosis
- Brain structure
- Lateral ventricles larger
- Caused by psychotic
experiences or drugs?
- Trauma
- Diagnosed more likely to have
experienced traumatic events
- Dose-response effect
- Family relationships
- Expressed Emotions
- High EE - more relapse
(65% vs. 35%)
- Walder et al. (2014)
- Disruptions elevated in families
with first-degree relative with Sz.
- Polygenic neurodevelopmental
diathesis-stress model
- Societal factors
- Low SES = more psychosis
- Larger cities
- Social isolation theory
- Social drift hypothesis
- Substance use
- Positive experiences
- Drowns out voices, reduces anxiety
- Cannabis
- THC skunk 3x increase in
psychosis that non-users
- Use of skunk every day = higher
risk of psychiatric disorders
- Treatments
- Medical
- Neuroleptics
- 2/3 relapse
in 2 years
- Side effects
- Sedation
- Depression
- Extrapyramidal or
Parkinson-like effects
- Akathisia - itchniness of muscles
- Tardice dyskinesia - fly catching
- Clozapine induced agrankocytosis - toxic
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- 0.4 effect size on target
symptoms (Wykes et al., 2008)
- NICE recommended
- Assessment
- Patient's views, reasons, situation
- Self-esteem, coping strategies
- Psychiatric interviews
- Symptom measures
- e.g. Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales
- Gain control
- Underlying bio origin, but symptoms determined
by environmental, cognitive, somatic &
behavioural factors which can be modified
- Invervention
- 1. Assessment & individualised
formulation of presenting problems
- 2. Agreement
on goals for
- 3. Individualised
information sharing
- 4. Behavioural &
cognitive techniques
- Jauhar et al. (2014)
- CBT has therapeutic effect on Sz symptoms in the small range.
- But maybe it works for some symptoms but not all?
- Family interventions
- Psychoeducation
- Goal setting
- Problem solving
- Improving communication
- Cognitive reapprails
- Decreasing anger & guilt