Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Values of care applied in health
and social care
- Promoting equality and diversity
- To promote this you can use non
discriminatory language e.g calling a service
user by their name not "love" or "dear"
- Avoid being patronising e.g when talking to
an older or younger person
- Meeting individuals needs:
- Mobility: enabling all resources and areas to be
accessible by providing e.g ramps,lifts and automatic
door where neccesary
- Communication needs: Provide "easy read" versions of information,
hearing loops and information in different formats such as languages as
appropiate: sign language
- dietary needs: ensure variety in meals offered, e.g halal, diabetic,
gluten free and vegetarians diet
- Vary choices for your service user this can make people feel empowered.
- Support cultural needs: provide prayer rooms, transport to church and
opportunities to celebrate service user cultures and religions
- Treating all individuals irrespective of age, race, gender,
religion, disability, ethnicity and sexuality:
- Give all individuals the same choices and
opportunities regardless of differences
- No racist, ageist comments or actions
- Challenge discrimination
- Arrange visits to places with wheelchair access, hearing
loops and so on
- Maintaining Confidentiality
- means:
- Meeting legal requirements for keeping
and using personal information
- Preventing unauthorised people from accessing personal
- Maintaining confidentiality in health and social care settings
- Share information with other practicitoners
only on a "need to know" basis and only with
those directly involved
- Keep patients records secure e.g lock them in a
cabinet, if stored electrically make sure there i a
secure password
- Use a private office or empty room for
meetings with residents or family to discuss
treatment or care
- Do not discuss patients,residents or any other
service user in public
- Inform service user of circumstances when
information can not be kept confidential; e.g if service
user is in danger or others is in risk of harm
- Promoting individuals' rights and beliefs
- Valuing all individuals
- Acting in the best interests of a service user
- Freedom from discrimination
- Treating eachother with dignity and respect
- How to promote individuals rights and beliefs in health and
social settings
- Give service user choice; e.g over diet, which choice of clothes they want
to wear, which activities they want take part in
- Maintain privacy (knock on the door before entering a resident room; pull
curtain round a hospital bed)
- Provide access for an advocate for an adult with learning
- For those with religous beliefs; provide a prayer or
transport to a church/mosque
- Provide access to a translator if the service user first
language is not English
- Always explain any procedures to be carried out a a patient
has a right to refuse treatment once they have heard all of
the necessary information