What role do Canadian citizens and organizations play in the fairness and equity of Canada’s justice system for youth?


Gr. 9 Social Studies Mindmap am What role do Canadian citizens and organizations play in the fairness and equity of Canada’s justice system for youth?, erstellt von Brandie Ferrell am 08/10/2020.
Brandie Ferrell
Mindmap von Brandie Ferrell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brandie Ferrell
Erstellt von Brandie Ferrell vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

What role do Canadian citizens and organizations play in the fairness and equity of Canada’s justice system for youth?


  • This should be in the middle of your mind-map!
  1. Jury's


    • Here are your main categories
    1. What is a jury?


      • Here are your sub-categories
      1. Add specific info here


        • This is where you would add the specific notes from the text
      2. What are the responsibilities of Jury's?
        1. Add specific info here
      3. Justice Advocacy Groups
        1. What are Justice Advocacy Groups?
          1. Add info here
          2. John Howard Society
            1. Add info here
            2. Elizabeth Fry Society
              1. Add info here
            3. Elders


              • Use the examples from Jury's and Justice Advocacy Groups to fill this in yourself
              1. Other Information?


                • here you could add other resources you have found.  That could include -articles -website links -helpful videos -and more!
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