Zusammenfassung der Ressource
What role do Canadian citizens and
organizations play in the fairness and equity of
Canada’s justice system for youth?
- This should be in the middle of your mind-map!
- Jury's
- Here are your main categories
- What is a jury?
- Here are your sub-categories
- Add specific info here
- This is where you would add the specific notes from the text
- What are the responsibilities of Jury's?
- Add specific info here
- Justice Advocacy Groups
- What are Justice Advocacy Groups?
- Add info here
- John Howard Society
- Add info here
- Elizabeth Fry Society
- Add info here
- Elders
- Use the examples from Jury's and Justice Advocacy Groups to fill this in yourself
- Other Information?
- here you could add other resources you have found. That could include
-website links
-helpful videos
-and more!