Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Definitions of Abnormality
- Deviation from
social norm
- refers to
behaviours which
are anti social/
- E.g. in the past,
homosexuality was
classified as deviant
- such unwritten
social rules as
manners are
era- dependant
- Deviance is related to context
and degree; depends where
you are/when you lived
- this definition takes account of the
effect that behaviour has on others.
it takes account of the greater good
of society; E.g. OCD (washing hands)
- susceptible to
abuse; the concept
of social deviancy is
related to moral
codes or standards
subjectively defined
by a society.
- Failure to function adequately
- Refers of the persons ability/ inability
to cope with day-to-day living
- Rosenhan and Seligman identified a
set of 7 abnormal chracteristics, each
of which may not be sufficant to
cause a problem but when several
are present, then they indicate
- behaviours include;
Unconventionaly of
behaviour, Unpredictability
and loss of control,
Irrationality, Observer
discomfort and Violation
of moral and ideal