Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Grammatical
- About: It is mostly
teacher-centered. There is
an emphasis on the rules
as well as the structure of
the new language.
- Methods:
- Audiolingual
- About: The grammar
structures are sequenced.
The native language is not
used a lot. This method
emphasizes error correction,
drills, repetition, and
- Application: The
teacher will give the
students a chart with
the grammatical rules.
The teacher will have
the students complete
grammar drill
- Grammar-Translation
- About: There is an emphasis
on the development of
writing, reading, and
grammar. There is not as
much emphasis on oral
language development. The
grammatical rules are
taught completely.
- Application: The teacher will
have the students write in
their journals. The teacher will
explicitly teach the student
the rules so then they can use
it in their journals.
- Communicative
- About: Student-centered,
communication is
important, and meaningful
acquisition of knowledge is
- Methods:
- Sheltered instruction
- About: The curriculum is
grade-level modified.
The instructions are
scaffolded. It may
include visuals,
cooperative learning,
and guarded
- Application:
Throughout the lesson
the teacher will
incorporate visuals
and a guarded
vocabulary chart for
the learners to refer
- Natural Way
- About: It stresses the
comprehensible input.
There is minimal error
production and it is
accepting of the
students' native
language. It does not
have to be
- Application: The teacher will
honor the learner's native
language by allowing the
learner to write in their
native language. The teacher
will provide feedback, but
minial explicit correcton.
- Cognitive
- About: It is
learner-centered. It
focuses on the
explicit teaching of
learning strategies in
communicative ways.
- Method:
- About: The language instructions are
more developmentally appropriate
for the learners. The focus is
intentional on CALP development. It
uses explicit instruction in the
learning strategies: Metacognitive,
Cognitive, and Social.
- Application: The teacher will give
the students explicit instructions
and help the learners develop in
their L1 and L2. The teacher will
focus on the learner's day to day