

The Byzantine Empire
Molly Pustay
Mindmap von Molly Pustay, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Molly Pustay
Erstellt von Molly Pustay vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The Byzantine Empire
    1. Constantine and His New Rome
      1. Around 330 AD, he moved to East Rome to new city
        1. City known as Byzantium/Constanople
          1. City located/founded in an old Greek city & had the perfect geographic location to become a great commercial city because of the water access
            1. Constantinople was strategically important because its location was good for fighting off Europe's enemy invasions
            2. Justanian, 527-565 AD
              1. He was a transitional figure from Ancient world to Medieval World
                1. Military Campaigns, he wanted to take back the west and to some degree he was successful
                  1. Corpus Juris Civilis, the body of civil law. It had a major impact on laws of W. Europe and religious laws
                    1. Hagia Sophia, one of the largest/beautiful/important church of its day.
                      1. It had a huge dome. 1st time Byzantine Engineers had been able to put a round dome over a rectangular building
                        1. There is symbolism in it. It looks very eastern because it reflects eastward drift of Byzantine/Roman Empire
                        2. Theodora
                          1. Queen alongside Justine
                            1. If not for her, Justine may not have been able to accomplish the things he did.
                              1. NIKE REVOLT, 531 AD, Justine was frightened by this revolt. Procorpious says Theodora gave him a pep talk and convinced him not to leave and fight for his empire. He then put down the revolt, because of Theodora.
                            2. Procopius, 531 AD, wrote books about history. He didn't like Theodora and Justinian and was very critical of them. He wrote, Secret History, a book about them both that says Theodora came from the lower class and was not a noble woman and she was a prostitute.
                            3. The Fall of Constantinople, 1453
                              1. The Monarchy (an absolute monarchy), Governed Byzantine Empire. A bueracacey. They were Unichs.
                                1. The Byzantine Church, it was a state church. Closely allied with policies in Monarch
                                  1. Byzantine Army and Navy, best organized, best led, most discipline of they day. Used best weaponry, such as 'Greek Fire'.
                                    1. The Byzantines put emphasis on education and preserved the learning of old and passed on to other civilizations, such as Mohammedan World
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