Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Africa - Climate Change
- Positive Imact
- Global warming means that tropical areas are experiencing longer growing
periods, they may financially benefit from better agricultural conditions.
- Image:
- Vulnerability
- Poor people have
a reduced
capacity to cope
e.g. substinence
- Poorer
countries are
less able to
prepare for
and respond
to impacts of
climate change
- Political turmoil can mean
that appropriate
responses aren't made
making the impacts of
climate change worse.
- NegatiVe Impacts
- Conditions have
improved for
mosquitoes that spread
malaria, costs of health
care mean the
economy is put under
strain and prevented
from growing.
- Global warming is causing more
erratic climates e.g Mozambique
experienced drought in 1995 and
flooding in 2000.
- Global warming
has caused
desertification -
fertile land
unusable. Major
problem in the
Sahel Region.
- Global Warming has
caused a reduced
growing period in
some areas,
agriculture in the
Sahel Region forms
around 70% of the
- Leads to more unemployment, poverty, malnourishment and starvation.
- The whole continent of Africa is
getting warmer, around
0.5degreesC in the last century.