Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Homeostasis - GCSE Biology
- Maintaining a constant internal environment
- Conditions that must be controlled:
- Core body temperature
- Water content
- Carbon dioxide level
- Blood sugar level
- Hormones are responsible for homeostasis
- Proteins that act as chemical messengers
- Secreted by glands
- Transported in the bloodstream
- Only affect the function of particular songs
- Activated cells are called 'target' cells
- Cells have a chemical receptor
that responds to the hormone
- Thermoregulation
- Thermoregulatory centre in the hypothalamus senses
the temperature of the blood flowing through it
- Hypothalamus triggers responses to heat loss/gain
- Hypothalamus reverts body temp. back towards the normal
- This system is called negative feedback
- Water content regulation
- Controlled by loss of ions from:
- The lungs through exhalation
- The skin through sweating
- Urination - the kidneys