Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Physical Geography -
Case Studies
- Rivers, Floods
and Management
- Causes/Impacts
of flooding
- LEDC -
- Physical Factors
- Monsoon after
very dry summer
- 170mm of rain
in 24hours.
900mm in July
- Soil was saturated, increasing
surface runoff, and discharge
- Peak discharge of two
rivers coincided, increasing
discharge downstream
- Human Activities
- Deforestation so less
rainfall intercepted
- Growth of urban areas
means more surface runoff
- Collapse of old damns
contributed to flooding
- Social Impacts
- 2000 dead
- 25m homeless
- 100,000 caught
- Could not evacuate due to transport
issues, drowning due to lack of educaton
- Economic Impacts
- $1BN Damage
- Unemployment due
to factories being shut
- Loss of livestock. 80% of
citizens rely on agriculture,
many lost livelihood
- 550,000 HA of land
couldn't be planted with
rice, global rice price rose
- 10,000km of
road destroyed
- National debt from
imports of food
- Environmental Impacts
- Rivers polluted
with sewage
- Flood deposited fertile
silt on flood plains
- 80% of annual rain falls
in 4 months normally
- 90% of land is less than
10m above sea level
- MEDC -
Carlisle, UK
- Physical Factors
- 200mm of rain in
36hours - 4 months of
rain in day and a half
- Saturated soil, runoff
straight into the river
- Peak discharge of 1520
cumecs, compared to
average of 52cumecs
- Human Activities
- Built up with impermeable concrete/tarmac.
Little vegetation for infiltration. High surface
runoff and discharge
- Drains/sewage overflowed,
becoming source of flooding itself
- Social Impacts
- 3 deaths, 3000
- Day to day
life disrupted
- 4 Schools
- Increase in stress
related ilnessses
- Economic Impacts
- £100m in repairs
- 350 businesses
had to close
- 70,000 buildings
without power
- Roads/bridges
- Environmental Impacts
- Increased river
bank erosion
- Rivers polluted
with rubbish
- Flood Management
- Hard Engineering -
Three Gorges Dam
- Background Info
- Yangtze is 3rd
longest river in world
- Seasonal flooding common,
rainy season in summer
- Defences
- 46 dams
- Reservoir to store
flood water
- 3600km of levees
alongside it
- Advantages
- Reduced major flooding from
every decade to every century
- Can produce up to 22.5
gigawatts of power
- Much safer to navigate up river, larger
ships so more shipping as deep reservoir
- Disadvantages
- Up to 2million people
have to relocate
- Homes, factories, farmland and
cultural buildings will be flooded
- Sediment will be blocked by
dam and could cause failure,
making a worse flood
- Could destroy habitats
and endanger species
- Will increase flood risk in
tributaries leading into it
- Soft Engineering -
- Coastal