Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How do Christian families
encourage their Children
to believe in god?
- Baptism
- A child is welcomed into the church
with family, friends and worshipping
congregation promising to support
them within the Christian faith.
- Worship
- Some children attend
Sunday school to learn
about Jesus, God and the
- Children also attend church services
and celebrate Christian festivals.
- Schools
- Parents may chose to send
their children to church schools.
This helps educate them about
the Christian faith.
- Confirmation
- A child will be encouraged to
confirm and renew the vows made
for them in Baptism when they are
old enough to make this decision for
- Community
- Young Christians can meet and share in
activities such as Bible study groups, youth
clubs, prayer meeting and other meetings.
- Young adults are supported by the church and may
also meet partners in the church community.
- Parents exapmples
- Christian parents will
bring their children up to
believe in God.
- Children are more likely to
believe in God if they see their
parents praying, hearing about
God through the bible and
attending church.