How do Christian families encourage their Children to believe in god?


Mindmap am How do Christian families encourage their Children to believe in god?, erstellt von Isa Dabrowska am 10/05/2015.
Isa Dabrowska
Mindmap von Isa Dabrowska, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Isa Dabrowska
Erstellt von Isa Dabrowska vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How do Christian families encourage their Children to believe in god?
  1. Baptism
    1. A child is welcomed into the church with family, friends and worshipping congregation promising to support them within the Christian faith.
    2. Worship
      1. Some children attend Sunday school to learn about Jesus, God and the church.
        1. Children also attend church services and celebrate Christian festivals.
        2. Schools
          1. Parents may chose to send their children to church schools. This helps educate them about the Christian faith.
          2. Confirmation
            1. A child will be encouraged to confirm and renew the vows made for them in Baptism when they are old enough to make this decision for themselves.
            2. Community
              1. Young Christians can meet and share in activities such as Bible study groups, youth clubs, prayer meeting and other meetings.
                1. Young adults are supported by the church and may also meet partners in the church community.
                2. Parents exapmples
                  1. Christian parents will bring their children up to believe in God.
                    1. Children are more likely to believe in God if they see their parents praying, hearing about God through the bible and attending church.
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