Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Unit 2: Data Representation
- Numbers
- Denary
- base 10: normal
- hexadecimal
- base 16
- 0-9, A-F
- represents 4 bits per digit
- Binary
- base 2
- 1 or 0
- on or off
- each digit represents a bit
- images
- bitmap
- image stored as a series
of values per pixel
- Pixel is the smallest
addressable value in an image
- arranged as a grid
- the resolution shows the number of pixels
- vector
- images drawn to a formula
- rescaleing doesn't
damage image quality
- colour
- displayed as different
binary digits
- colour depth is the number of bits used to
display a colour of a single pixel in a bitmap
- the higher the colour depth, the more available colours
- Units
- bit
- 1 or 0
- byte
- 8 bits
- nibble
- 4 bits
- kilobyte
- 1024 bytes
- Megabytes
- 1024 kilobytes
- gigabyte
- 1024 megabytes
- terabyte
- 1024gigabytes
- petabyte
- characters
- unicode
- 16 bits
- 65,536 characters approx.
- allows many more characters
- takes more space
- American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
- 7 bit character set
- 128 characters
- extended ASCII contains 8 bits
- 256 characters
- assigns a table of
characters with
unique binary values
- sound
- digital
- the way in which
computers read sound
- sampling
- creates representation of
original values by measuring
specific values
- sample rate: times per second
the sound wave is measured
- normal rate is around 44KHZ
- analogue
- continuously changing wave
- natural sound