Battle of Hastings


Battle of Hastings Mind map
Mindmap von luna.hawler, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von luna.hawler vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Battle of Hastings
  1. William the Conquerer
    1. Norman
      1. Unlikeable
        1. Anglosaxons rebel
          1. Force
            1. Harrying of the north
        2. Conquerer
          1. Won Battle of Hastings
            1. Killed Godwinson
          2. Edward the confessor
            1. No family
              1. Promised contenders throne
                1. He died
                2. Dispute over throne
                3. Stanford Bridge
                  1. Harald Hadrada is killed
                    1. By Harold Godwinson
                    2. Up North
                      1. Harolds army marches back down south
                        1. To fight William
                          1. No rest!
                      2. Battle itself
                        1. Godwinson is killed
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