Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Variety of life on Earth
- Organisms are classified according to there features!
- The Largest Group = KINGDOM
- Large number of
organisms with some
- The Smallest Group = SPECIE
- 1 type of organism with
lots of similarities
- 2 organisms belong to the same specie if
they are able to breed with each other and
produce fertile offspring.
- Adaptations
- Adaptation are features that an
organism has which enables them to
survive in there habitat.
- PHYSICAL- scales on a fish
animals that live
in large groups
such as lions
- The Saguro Cactus
- The root system prevents
other plants from growing
around it as it's large and
- Has spines instead of
leaves, this prevents
animals from coming
close and drinking water
from inside
- 90% water
- Folded stem used
for photosynthesis
as it doesn't have
- Has poison
inside it's stem,
to ward of
- Flowers that produce large amounts of pollen and nectar.
- Without the nectar bats wouldn't
be attracted to the flowers.
- Without the pollen it
wouldn't be able to
- Hadal Snailfish
- Vibration receptors to
help find food in the
dark as there eyes are
very small due to the
lack of sunlight.
- Gills which give them the
ability to breath under
- Streamlined to help
them swim faster
- They can survive very
deep in the ocean.
- Special mechanisms
inside body that help to
withstand pressure.
- Survive on a diet of shrimp-
- Suck shrimp into mouth then push out
unwanted water and sand out of it's body
through special channels in the side of it's head.
- Food Web
- Changes in a food web have a BIG
impact on all creatures in the food web.
- Food webs are generally stable unless the following happens..
- The climate changes considerably
and 1 specie is unable to adapt to the
- Another specie in the food wens becomes extinct.
- Another specie that is either a COMPETITOR a
PREDATOR or a DISEASE causing organism is
introduced into the ecosystem.
- Food chains and energy transfer...
- A food chain is really a diagram that shows how chemical energy is
transferred from one organism to another.
- it arrives in organisms called producers that are able to carry out the
process of photosynthesis.
- In this process they transfer light
energy into chemical energy.
- This process is only 5% efficient due to the following reasons...
- Most light don't hit the photosynthesis part of the plants
- Green in colour
- Some light is reflected back from the surface of the leaf.
- some light is transfered straight through a leaf.
- Some of the light is the wrong WAVELENGTH
- Only the BLUE and RED colours in the light spectrum can be absorbed by the green pigment
CHLOROPHYILL and used in photosynthesis.
- How is chemical energy eventually lost from a food chain?
- Chemical energy is transferred through one trophic level to the next.
- Some of the energy is used for growth... offspring
- If the organism dies before being
eaten it DECOMPOSES.
- But not all of the energy at 1 trophic level will be
transfered to the next higher trophic level.
- The amount of available energy at each
successive trophic level will decrease.
- What can Cause
- Predators
- Disease
- Competion
- For... Food, Water Space Light
- A new specie moves in.
- Changes in the environment
- Temperature
- Deforestation
- Light intensity
- Interdependence on Organisms.
- Organisms depend on each
other and the environment to
- However if different species
live in the same habitat they will
compete for food water and
space to survive.