Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Hoedown From Rodeo
- Rodeo:Rodeo is an American ballet, both in story
and in the style of music.Throughout the American
South-west, the Saturday afternoon rodeo was a
long-standing tradition.The cowboy ranch workers
got together to show off their skill at roping, riding
and branding horses and cattle.The afternoon
exhibition was usually followed by a Saturday night
- The story of the ballet tells of a cowgirl who is in love with the
head cowboy.At the local Saturday Rodeo he ignores her,
preferring the ranchers daughter.The cowgirl tries to gain his
attention by riding a bucking bronco,but he laughs when she
falls off.Later in the evening, she arrives, all dressed up, at the
Saturday night dance.She is asked to dance by both the head
wrangler and the champion roper.The champion roper wins her
and the music of the Hoedown reflects the excitement of this
- Aaron Copland: Aaron Copland was born
in New York to jewish parents.After
studying music in france for three year,
Copland returned to New York with a very
clear idea of what he wanted to compose,
which was American-style music. He saw
Jazz as a means to create a style that was
unmistakingly American, Copland used
American folk music in his ballets, Billy th
Kid, Rodeo and Appalachain spring.He also
composed some film music.
- General Music Features of Hoedown
- Tonality: D major
- Time signature: 2/4
- Tempo: Allegro/Quick
- Mood: Exciting
- Form: Intro, A, B, Link, A
- A-Bonyparte
B-Mcleads Reel
Link-Connects two
- Texture: Homophonic
- Introduction: Opening sets a scene far
excitement (ff). The first four bars sounds
as if the orchestra is warming up. At bars
5-13 strings and trumpets take over the
music then it returns to tutti at bars
14-17 with the music from bars 1-4. At
bars 18-38 we have an accented rhythm
played by piano,strings, bassoons, and
wood block(meant to symbolize
horses).This is played staccato (hopped).
- A:Bonyparte (bars 39-98): The main tune (Bonyparte) is introduced.This is a square
dance.Tune is played on strings and woodwind.There is added precussion from the
xylophone and cymbal and woodwind.Bar 39 has a similar rhythm to the opening
bars.Bonyparte is divided into two sections (1-bars 39-46) (2-bars 47-50).These are reapeted
with variations in pitch and instruments.Part 2 has a smoother rhythm (legato).Music has a
crescendo reaching "fff" in bar 94 then reduces to "p" in bar 97.
- B:Mcleads Reel (bars 98-141): McLeads reel is in two parts. it starts with trumpets and then strings.We
hear an off beat rhythm on the snare drum.This music is now in G major.The second part is played by the
oboe then on Clarinet and solo Violin.These parts are repeated with variations in instruments and
pitch.The section builds up and becomes more exciting.A syncopated idea by trumpets and woodwind is
heard and the music reaches "fff" and is played "sf".
- Link (Bars 142-158): The rhythm from the steady section
of the introduction is heard again.(played rubato-is a
slight change in the regular beat introducted by the
performer for the purpose of expression).This leads to a
desending melody by trombones and horns.This melody
slows down and gets softer gradually until it ends on a
long quiet pause.(Rit Molto-Slow down a lot)
- A:(bars 159-194): Section A Bonyparte is heard again.The end of the piece builds up with
excitement becoming very loud "fff" and ends with three final quavers played "sf".This adds a
dramatic ending to the piece.