Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- First
- Weeks 1-6
- Weeks 7-8
- Now about the size of a kidney bean, the head is taking
shape. Organs are all in place and limbs are forming.
Inner ears are starting to function. Soft cartilage is
beginning to turn to bone. The tube that connects the
spine and brain, called the 'neural tube', closes up. The
baby is called a 'foetus' rather than an embryo.
- Weeks 9-10
- Now about 22mm long. Major organs, fingers and toes
continue forming. The face is starting to form and a
mouth and tongue. Jawbones already have tiny tooth
buds. Fingernails start to form. Hiccups occur.
- Weeks 11-12
- Around the size of a plum, baby will be fully formed
with all the organs, bones and muscles in place. The
placenta will be fully developed. Toe/fingernails are
forming. Can feel pain, suck thumb and grasp. Vocal
chords are formed. Moving more, can swallow and
'breaths' amniotic fluid.
- The embryo is the size of an orange pip and implants
in the uteras. Layers of cells develop that will become
different parts the body. Some cells will turn into the
placenta. Before the placenta has formed, the embryo
gets energy from a ‘yolk sac’. The amniotic fluid starts
to form in the sac that surrounds the embroyo. The
heart is beating with babies own blood (often different
to mothers). The brain, spine and nervous system start
to develop. Four 'buds' start to form that will become
the arms and legs. Tiny dents in the head will develop
into the eyes, ears, mouth and nostrils.
- Second
- 13-14 weeks
- About the size of a kiwi fruit (25g / 85mm
long), the genitals are forming although is
unlikely to reveal the sex. A heartbeat can
be heard with a foetal heart rate monitor
held to mothers stomach.
- 15-16 weeks
- Around the size of a lemon, baby is covered in fine
hair called lanugo. The kidneys start working,
passing urine which goes into the amniotic fluid.
- 17-18 weeks
- Baby will now weigh around 150g. The placenta
continues to grow. The head was bigger in
proportion to the body, but now proportions are
evening out. Eyebrows/lashes are starting to
grow, eyes can move, eyelids are still shut.
- 19-20 weeks
- 21-22 weeks
- Baby is growing hair. Outside sounds can be heard,
including voices. Taste buds will continue to develop, and
practising swallowing in readiness for life outside the womb
will occur. The lungs are not yet ready for life outside the
womb. All oxygen is received from mothers blood via the
placenta until he takes his first breath after he’s born.
- 23-24 weeks
- Baby is said to be ‘viable’. This means that there is a
chance that she would survive if she was born now.
Baby is getting into a pattern of sleeping and waking.
- 25-26 weeks
- About the length of a forearm, eyelids open at around 26 weeks
and eye colour is very likely to be blue. Baby will hiccup and
respond to sounds. The lungs are still not fully mature.
- 27-28 weeks
- Baby will be having periods of sleep and periods of activity, which
can be detected by movements in a regular pattern. If the pattern
stops or slows down it should be checked immediately.
- Around the length of an A4 piece of paper, the
baby is gaining weight but doesn’t have much fat on
its body. Mother starts to feel proding or kicking. By
week 20, baby’s skin is coated in a white, creamy
substance called vernix. This is thought to protect
babys skin while in the womb.
- Third trimester
- Weeks 29-30
- Baby will measure around 33cm from head to toe. The eyes can
open and light detected outside the womb. As well as being able to
open his eyes, he can turn towards light . More fat under the skin
reduces wrinkles and the skin is smoothing out.
- Weeks 31-32
- The womb tightens every so often, in readiness for the birth. This is
called Braxton Hicks contractions. Fingernails are growing and baby
will have its own pattern of movements. Babies do not slow down at
the end of pregnancy, it can be a sign baby is having problems.
- Weeks 33-34
- The brain and nervous system are now fully
developed. Baby turns around and is head down
deep into the pelvis. This is called ‘engaging’.
- Weeks 35-36
- If baby was born now it would have a very good chance of
survival. The lungs are ready to breathe and baby would be
able to suckle. Baby is still laying down extra layers of fat to
help regulate temperature after birth.
- 37-38 weeks
- Full-term, baby will probably move
head-down into the pelvis ready to be born.
- 39-40 weeks
- Ready to be born. Most babies are delivered
between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy.
Movements do not slow down in late pregnancy.