Atomic structure


key facts on atomic structure
Mindmap von Mary-Jane, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Mary-Jane vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Atomic structure
  1. atomic particles
    1. protons (P)
      1. neutrons(N)
      2. electrons (E)
        1. relative mass of (n,e,p
          1. P; Z=+1 M=1 N; Z=0 M=1 E; Z=-1 M=5x10(-4)
        2. Atomic number
          1. number of protons in the nucleus, also equal number of electrons
          2. mass number
            1. number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
            2. isotopes of atoms
              1. atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons, they still have the same chemical properties because the number of electrons on the outer shiel is still the same. its just mass that varies
              2. relative charge
                1. change of particles relative to the electron ( like that of the electron)
                2. relative mass
                  1. mass of a particle 1/12 mass of 1 atom of c12
                  2. mass spectrometer
                    1. to separate ions with different masses, and helps identify complex molecules
                      1. steps in mass spectrometry
                        1. 1.vaporisation
                          1. sample must be in a gaseous state
                          2. 2.ionisation
                            1. electron gun fires high energy electron at gaseous molecule eg m(g)+e- --> m*(g) = 2e-
                            2. 3.acceleration
                              1. ions are accelerated by an electrical field which then focus into beams to pass through slits
                              2. 4.deflecrion
                                1. beam of ions are deflected by a strong magnetic field, magnitude depends on m/z ratio the smaller the m/z the larger the deflection
                                2. 5.detection
                                  1. the ions are directed to the detector by a different magnetic field the ions hit the detector and create a small electric current the bigger the current the ore of the ion there is the current is amplifies and sent o computer to analyse = create spectrum
                                  2. the number of peaks created on the spectrum = the amount of isotopes m/z of peaks= mass of ion and hight= amount of each isotope
                                3. atomic mass from mass spectrum data equation
                                  1. Ar= (sum) relative mass of isotope x abundance of isotope
                                    1. molecular mass Mr from spectrum= peak with highest value = Mr
                                  2. definition of atomic mass = Ar = mean mass of 2 atom / 1/12 of the mass of c-12
                                    1. definition of relative molecula mass of an entity
                                      1. Mr= mean mass of entity/ 1/12 mass of 1 atom of c-12
                                        1. enitity =molecule e.g CH4 or NaCl
                                        2. Mr from formula
                                          1. sum of relative atomic masses of all atoms in formula
                                          2. electron configuration
                                            1. electron arrangement in atom
                                              1. found in shells, lower energy are closer to nucleus
                                              2. Kr
                                                1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6
                                                2. for element up to Kr element fill in the order of Kr except Cr;4s1 3d5 and Cu;4s1 3d10
                                                  1. cations +
                                                    1. ins removed in reverse order except 4s and 3d
                                                    2. atomic orbitals
                                                      1. maximum of 2 electrons in opposite spin and are represented as up an down arrows
                                                      2. definaition of first ionisation energy
                                                        1. energy required to remove 1 mole of electron from 1 mol of gaseous atom
                                                        2. first I.E equation... M(g) __>M=(g)=e-
                                                          1. 1st I.E DOWN a group= decreases because the outer electron have more shielding from the attraction from the nucleus because its further away
                                                            1. ACROSS a period= general increase because number of protons create increasing nuclear attraction while the outer electrons in same energy levels = similar shielding from nucleus
                                                          2. second I.E equation..M(g)__>m2=(g)+e-
                                                            1. gp 2 and gp 3
                                                              1. gp 3 outer electrons are easier to remove than gp 2 because gp 2 outer electrons is 2s or 3s and gp 3 are higher level 2p or 3p = more shielding
                                                              2. gp 5 and gp 6
                                                                1. gp 6 outer electrons easier to remove than gp 5 outer electron in same sub level 2p or 3p but gp6 outer electron p4 is paired and mutual repulsion occurs
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