Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Aim: High Priority: History effects, tips shapes, verify results
- Si: Low n: UV Axial: checking effect of tip shape
- Go from Axial to Transverse
- Change in evaporation position
- collect ~200,000 atoms
- Shift to green in axial. Collect 700,000 atoms for steady state
- Go to transverse
- Non uniform density map
- Colect 750,000 atoms and TEM image:
Steady state tip shape for Uv- green transition
- New tip: Start in green Axial
- Non uniform Density map
- Collect 750,00 atoms and TEM image:
Steady state tip shape for only green
- Uniform density map
- Move to IR: Axial ==> go to trans
- Uniform Density map
- New Tip: Start in IR:
Go to Trans
- Uniform Density Map
- Go to UV
- Go to IR
- Uniform Density Map
- Non Uniform Density Map
- Collect 750,000 atoms and TEM image:
Steady state tip shape for UV-IR Transition
- Non- Uniform Density Map
- Collect 750,000 atoms and TEM image:
Steady state tip shape for IR only
- Non-uniform density map
- Collect 750,000 atoms and TEM image: Steady
state tip shape for green- IR transition
- No change in 2d map
- Exp not repeatable:
- Repeat experiment with the old tip
- No change in evaporation position