Zusammenfassung der Ressource
A wife in London by Thomas Hardy
- He was strongly against war and he thought it was futile
- It links to the Boer wars, thought they're never mentioned, making it universal to any soldiers and their widows
- He grew up during the
Industrial Period, but in
Dorset, which strongly
resisted industrialisation
- There are two sections, the first is the wife receiving a letter saying he is dead, the second is a letter from
him saying he hopes to return, that he wrote days before he died- it is titled the irony
- The regular rhyme scheme of abbabcddcdeffefghhgh shows the repetitive nature of war and that there is no escaping death while you are there
- 'shaped so shortly' the sibilance here is like her
telling the message to shush, she doesn't want
to hear the news
- The uses of dashes with 'he-has fallen-in the far South
Land' mimcks her breathing as she reads the letter as it
is stuttered and heavy
- The third part is quite long which suggests she is trying to finish reading the letter as quickly as possible
- 'fog hangs' this links to her mind still thinking of him and that he is
still somehow present and that she can;t see a way forward
because his presence and the thought of him is engulfing her
- 'knock cracks' the onomatopoeia contrasts the imagery of a silent scene in the previous stanza, this creates an
uncomfortable mood foreshadowing that something unnatural is about the happen