Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mametz wood by Owen Sheers
- It is an area where the Battle of Somme took place
- They were making a documentary and
uncovered a grave of 20 soldiers, they were
linked arm in arm
- Didn't fight in the war
- It explores how the land is
trying to mend its wounds
and how it's still hurting all
these years later
- In stanza 2, the repeated ch, p and b sounds mimic gunfire
- 'wasted young', this shows that he
thinks the young lives were taken
for no purpose
- 'bird's egg', the simile helps
to convey how delicate
they were and how fragile
their minds were
- 'farmers found', the alliteration creates a fricative sound, which mirrors the fact that they were shocked to find them
- The alliteration of 'arm in arm' creates short and repeated sounds, which shows how short their
lives were and that it was the same for each of them