Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sleeping Sickness: Trypanosoma brucei
- Sleeping Sickness
- Symptoms
- First Stage
- Chancre at the
site of the fly
- Winterbottom's Sign: Swollen
cervical Lymph Nodes
- Second Stage
- Mood changes
- Lethargy
- Insomnia at night
- Sleepy during the day
- Cause
- Protozoa
- Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
- Humans Only
- Trypanosoma brucei rhodeiense
- Animals and humans
- Vector
- Tsetse Fly
- Both Male and Female can
transmit the infection
- Transmission
- When the fly takes a blood meal
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Morphology
- Motile
- Undulating Free Membrane
- Free Flagellum
- Type
- Hemoflagellate:
Feed on Blood
- Kinoplast: Circular DNA
in large mitochondria
- Discovered
- Sir David Bruce
- Replication
- Fly
- Procyclics:
Binary Fission
- Human
- Metacyclic trypomastigotes:
Replicate at infection site
- Long-slender form: Binary Fission
- Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG)
- Host antibody-mediated lysis due to
VSG on protozoa coat
- Control
- Diagnosis
- Card Agglutination
Trypanosomiasis Test
- Lumber puncture: Trypanosomes in
the cerebrospinal fluid in stage 2
- Vector
- Insecticide-treated surfaces
- Sterile Insect technique: Breed lab males (Infertile
offspring) to compete with wildtype males.
- Treatment
- 1st Stage
- T.b.r : Suramin
- T.b.g: Pentamide
- 2nd Stage
- T.b.r: Melarsoprol
- T.b.g: Eflornithine
- Epidemiology
- Central Africa