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Temas de aplicaciones de las TIC
Miguel Angel Vila Fungueiriño
Mindmap von Miguel Angel Vila Fungueiriño, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Miguel Angel Vila Fungueiriño
Erstellt von Miguel Angel Vila Fungueiriño vor etwa 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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  1. UNIT 1:English Studies Databases and Electronic Libraries
    1. Contents:
      1. Part I: Information Literacy
        1. Databases & Bibliographic Platforms, Generic Bibliographic Databases, Open Online Resources
        2. Part II: Web syndication as a resource tool
      2. UNIT 2: Bibliographic Management Application
        1. Contents:
          1. Concept of Bibliographic management applications (BMA)
            1. BMA Typology
          2. UNIT 3:Communities of Practice (CoP) Tools
            1. Contents:
              1. Communities of practice (CoPs) and profesional forums
                1. Tools to create CoPs
              2. UNIT 4: Web 2.0 & Web 3.0
                1. Contents:
                  1. Visualisation of information
                    1. Data collection
                      1. Tools to improve the retrieval and analysis of data
                  2. UNIT 5: ICT in the Publishing Industry
                    1. Contents:
                      1. Manuals of style
                        1. Periodicals publications for the General Public
                          1. Creating a book/ e-book
                            1. Internet accessibility and mobility
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