Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Childhood
- Born; Lumbini (Northern India
- On a full moon
- Farher; Raja Suddhodana
- Leader of Shakya people
- Mother; Queen Maya
- Died seven days after giving birth
- Raised by his Aunt
- Also married to his father
- Real name; Siddhartha Gautama
- A prophecy was made when he was born
- Was either going to be a religious teacher or a great leader
- Father kept the knowledge of the outside world from him
- He grew dissatisfied with this life
- Married at 16yrs old
- To Princess Yasodhara
- Had a son; Rahula
- 4 Sights
- Old Age
- Suffering
- Sickness
- Death
- Suffering
- Holy Man, Sadhu
- Led Siddhartha to decide that he would leave home to find a cure for suffering
- Ascetics
- These were Sadhus
- To achieve spiritual benefit; expose yourself to suffering
- Followed them for six years
- Realised this lifestyle was not the answer
- Enlightenment
- Meditated beneath a Pipal Tree
- For twelve hours
- Struggled with temptations
- From the devil, Mara, and his daughters
- Understood the way in which all things come into existence and pass away again
- Negative feelings and cravings make people grasp for life even though it brings suffering
- When the sun rose he experienced Nibbana, when all desires are over come; Enlightenment
- Later Life
- Gained the name Buddha; " the awakened one"
- After reaching Enlightenment
- Age 35yrs Old
- Taught Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
- For 45yrs
- Preached his first sermon in Deer Park at Sarnath turning the 'wheel of law' (the Dhamma)
- He died peacefully and passed into Nivana at Kusinara
- Aged 80yrs old