Zusammenfassung der Ressource
One child policy, China
- They thought they were heading for famine
- They introduced the policy in 1979
- Prevented 400 million
births in total
- There were not enough resources for the
increasing population
- Regulations
- Don't marry until late 20s
- Less likely to have as
many children
- Only one successful
- Sterilised after birth of first child or abort
future pregnencies
- Against human rights
- Over 16 million abortions
- Rewards
- 5-10% salary rise
- Priority housing, pension and
family benefits
- Free education and healthcare
- Penalties
- 10% salary cut
- Bankrupted most families
- Nowadays people can
afford to pay the fine
- Have to pay for health and education
for whole family
- Granny Police
- Checked on couples of childbearing age
to make sure they used contraception
- Rural areas
- Allowed second try if first child
was a girl
- Boys work on family land
- Girls abandon the family when they
get married
- Boys more favoured
- Girls ended up in orphanages
- 90% died within first year at orphanage
- Gender imbalance nowadays
- 60 million more men than women
- Girls more equal nowadays
- Can have a career
- Young couples responsible for
four grandparents
- Unlikely to relax in futue
- 600 million people still live on $2 a day
- In 2008 there were 1 million more births
than deaths