Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Reid Technique
- 1.The Postitive Controntation
- The Investigator tells the
suspect that the evidence
demostrates the person's
Guilt. If the person's guilt
seems clear to the
investigator, the statement
should be unequivocal.
- Detective Introdduction himself and
ask philip how to spell his name and
last name and where he resides
- 2.Theme development
- The Investigator then presents
a moral justification (theme) for
the offense, such as placing the
moral blame on someone else
or outside circumstances. The
investigator presents the theme
in a monologue and in
sympathic manner.
- The dective has Philip why he was showing up at the
hotels where the crimes has happended at bars and
resturant. Dective Harris brough up the photos and
videos that looked like him..
- 3.Handling denials
- When the suspects asks for
permission to speak at this (likely
to deny the accusations), the
investigator should discourage
allowing the suspect to do so. The
Reid website asserts that
innocent suspects are less likely
to ask for permission and more
likely to "promptly and
unequivocally" deny the
accusation. The website states
that "I)it is very rare for an
innocent suspect to move pas
- The antidoint and he admits he did walk though the
lobbies at the hotels in boston at the predinatial
center..Also he brings up his father and friends.
- 4.Overcoming objettions
- When attempts at denial do not
suceed, a guilty suspect often
makes objections to support a
claim of innocence (e.g.,I would
never do that because I love my
job.) The investigator should
generally accept these objections
as if they were truthful, rather
than arguing with the suspect, and
use the objections to further
develop the theme.
- (12:40 to 15:00) Philip kept on deining about
being at hotels where the crimes have
happened. Also he kept on say he does not
remember at hotels on sorten dates and
the date he was at the cheesecake factory
- 5.Procurement and retention
of suspect's attention
- The investigator must procure the
suspect's attention so that the
suspect focuses on the investigator's
theme rather than on punishment.
One way the investigator can do this
is to close the physical distance
between himself or herself and the
suspect. The investigator should also
"channel the them down to the
proable alternative components."
- 6.Handling the suspect's passive mood
- The investigator "should intensify the theme presentation and concentrate
on the central reasons he (or she) is offering as psychological justification...
(and) continue to display an understanding and sympathic demeanor in
urging the suspect to tell the truth
- 7.Presenting an alternative question
- The investigator should present two choices, assuming the
suspect's guilt and developed as a logical extension from
the theme," with one alternative offering a better
justification for the crime ( E.g., Did you plan this thing out
or did it just happen on the spur of the moment?"). The
investigator may follow the question with a supporting
statement "Which encourages the suspects to choose the
more understandable side of the alternative."
- 8.Having the suspect orally relate various details of the offense.
- After the suspect accepts one side of the alternative (Thus admitting guilt), the invetigator
should immediately respond with a statement of reinforcement ackowledging that admission.
The investigator then seeks to obtain a brief oral review of the basic events, before asking more
detailed questions.
- 9. Converting an oral confession to a written confession
- The investigator must convert the oral confession into a written or
recorded confession. The website provides some guildlines, such as
repeating Miranda warnings, avoiidnding leading questions, and
using the suspect's own language
- At the beginnig of the whole interviewer gave Philip
the detective gave Philip his Miranda warnings. The
suspect's tone has changed and his language and
Philip kept avoiding questions during the interview
he kept on avoiding the questions and saying he
guesses and wants anlawyer. This whooe interview
was recorded with an recorder
- The detecive explains about why he is at the homicide Unit . Also
observed that Philip was getting very frustrtaed.
- The dective keeps requestioning Philip if he went
to these hotels and if he was at the hotels where
these crimes were committed
- Detective Harris asks Philip dates what he did on these dates
he was asking about. Also when he tried answering he was
pausing in between the answers. " Says he does think so" He
(Philip) because they did not get him a lawyer he was also
started getting frustrated
- The detectives asked if he says (Philip)
has no clear idea what is going on and
why all these question about his where
abouts. Also keeps saying ah and asks
the detectives why so many