Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Laura Mulvey: S.W.A.R.M.
- Scopophilia
- Women making films
- Audience identification
- Representation of women
- Male gaze
- My representation
- Woman is the protagonist/hero
- Challenges most
- Often a passive victim
- In my piece the female
over powers the male
- Carol Clover: The final girl theory
- 1. Femal has
male qualities
(represented as
intellectual and
not sexualised)
- 2. Female over
powers the male
in the end
- 3. Other
women are
killed but not
the final girl
- Richard Dyer
- Representations
tend to reinforce
- Media language
- Connotations used
- Forests are often
used in thrillers (parts
of mine were shot in
a dark forest
- Red=blood, danger, fear, death
(the leaves on the floor in my piece
- (e.g. Casino or Cape Fear)
- Stuart Hall
- representations
reflect a set of ideas
and beliefs in
- (e.g. women are passive)
- Tessa Perkins
- Representations
sometimes reflect
something of the truth
- Stanley Cohen
- Representations create
moral panics