aot walls.


Alisson Ortega
Mindmap von Alisson Ortega, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alisson Ortega
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

aot walls.
  1. the wall of mary is the outermost wall of the human kingdom.this wall after 100 years of peace and prosperity this wall was destroyed by the titan colosal.
    1. the walls are long and tall structure that protects people fron the titans.
      1. wall of rose were the second option later of the destruction of the wall maria by the titan colosal
        1. wall sina is the more secured wall from the titans because this are in the center of the wall maria and rose
          1. to keep the peace inside the walls some people trained to kill the titans , only can kill the titans if they cut in the nape but is dificult since some titans can reach 12 meters.
            1. the larguest titan is 60 metters
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