Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- HRM is about ensuring you have the
right amount of knowledge people at
the right time for the organisation. HR
department is responsbile for the
management of employee that is
ensuring the organisation has the
employee thy need at the right time
but also training and developemnt of
existing employee and
- strategic HR- is about the direction the organisation wish to go in.
- Recruitment
- un structured
and structured
- reference checking is
the only means you
have to check that
the employee is
fibbing. its imporant
business have a
reference check
- Job analysis and
design, followed
by internal or
external job
selction, medical
check, reference
check, placement
of offer,
- orientation is
imporant part in
training the new
employee, its
imporant that it
is through, and
done over time.
- planning
- forecasting,
benchmarking, goal
setting, policies and
- HRM need to plan to ensure they have
the right amount of knowledge
workers at the right time. They also
need to ensure employee are recieving
remuneration for the work tehy
- environmental influence include
globalisation, the ecomonic, polictial and
academic standards or impact on the HR
- HR can make downsizing, sustraining or growth plans.
- Development
and training
- development is about
gaining more knowledge on
a skill already developed, or
changing away a task is
- training is about teaching new skills
- organisation need to consider
- powerful tool in implenting
new procedure, dealing with
problems, and changing an
organisational culture
- International
- when selecting an
employee for internal
assigment its
imporant that they
are selected on there
skills, acceptance of
different culture,
there family
circumstance is taken
into account
- benefits and
structure need to be
figured out and
agreed upon before
the person leaves.
- Its imporant that the
person feels supported
and has the necessary
training when they
arrive, having a go to
person can prevent
culture shock.
- Safe work place
- unions main objective is to support the
workers and ensure they are recieving
what they are entitiled too.
- HR plays an imporant part in the safety of the organisation becasue they are
responble to ensure the workers are trained to perform the task, they have regaular
breaks, and there is enough staff on to complete the task witihout someone hurting
- motivation,
remuneration and
- you have voluntary
and non voluntary
- benefits paid to the
employee need to
go inside the
direction and have
value and purpose
to the individual
- money can
motivate an
employee but
there also needs
to be an element
of trust
- Maslow heirachary
of needs should be
considered when
- organisation need
to ensure they are
not discriminating
against minority
groups. having
benefit for woman
who have children is
a good way to start.
- change
- planned and unplanned change
- resistance to change
can occur because of
fear and the unknown
- step organisation can
take to ensure resistance
is miminal include
communicating, being
honest, involving,
rewarding, strategies in
place for people that may
be let go.
- step in the process include
unfreeze, implement, and re
freeze according to Lewis
- a more through process 1. determine the
need. 2. determine the resistance 3.
intoduce the change 4. implement the
change 5. evaluate and reward
- ROLE OF HR Manager
- strategic planner
- employee adovcate
- talent manger
- create value
- organisational
- HR impact an organisation by
increasing employee knowledge
and skills and empowering and
motivating employee.
- 2 approach to HR
- Instrucmental (hard) - use a
quantative and strategic
- Human (soft approach) emphasis
employee development,
collabration and trust
- HRIS - Human resource information system
- key issue include price, privacy
- it need to align the
budget and need of the
- 3 options 1. design in an hosuse
system 2. buy off the shelf and
implement 3. buy off the shelve
and work with vendor to make it
right for your organisation
- the design should be
accurate, timely, conscise,
relvant, secure and legal
- benefits include less time consumed on payroll,
and updating employee details, employee have
quicker access to theri details and its good at
organising and planning ahead.
- the organisation need to think if they want to
intergrate the system with payroll or have it as
2 diffterent systems