Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Energy & Body Weight
- Macro-Nutrient
- "Spares" protein
- Both Fats and Excess Carbs will
spare Protein
- Excess Carbs spare both
Protein and Fat
- Excess Fat spares protein and
thus is stored
- Body's ability to store excess as fat
- FAT (90%) > CARBS (75%) > PROTEIN (58%)
- Energy
- Most Tissue = Blood glucose first, then
glycogen, then stored fat, and protein
- Nervous tissue = Blood glucose and glycogen first, then
gluconeogenesis from fat & protein, ketogenesis from
fats last
- Fasting
- After blood glucose is consumed, Liver glycogen is mobilized ,
Muslce glycogen mobilized last
- Early Fasting - After blood Glycogen, Gluconeogensis
coverts glycerol (from Triglycerides) and AA's to
glucose A
- Prolong Fasting - Ketones (from fatty acids) and
gluconeogenesis (from glycerol & amino acids) supplies the
brain, while other tissues switch to fatty acids and some
deaminated amino acids
- Ketosis
- Ketone Bodies = Acetone, Acetoacetate &
- Detection - Urine test
strips & Smell on breath
- Normal Person glucose level during moderate exercise
- Using glucose
stored in blood
between meals?
Quarter of an
- Using glycogen
mobilized from
liver? An hour
and half more -
Total 2 Hours
- Fatigue can occur
before muscle
glycogen is depleted
- Muscle glycogen is mobilized
within the muscle but doesn't
contribute to blood glucose
- Gluconegensis from
muscle AA's may be
- BMR is calculated
from weight
- BEE is calculated
from weight, height
and age
- BMI measure of
body fat based on
height and weight
- Normal range 19-25
- Precise: Hydrostatic, Air
Bioelectric Impedance,
Xray -Absorptiometry,
Ultrasound, MRI and CT
- Less Precise: - ESTIMATION:
Caliper Skinfold, Mid-arm
Circumference, Abdominal
is probably the most accurate
of these