

Year 8 Geography Mindmap am Ecosystems, erstellt von Tom Grey am 08/04/2021.
Tom Grey
Mindmap von Tom Grey, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tom Grey
Erstellt von Tom Grey vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. What is an ecosystem
    1. Natural system in a geographical area where plants, animals, landscape and climate all interrelate
      1. Biotic: living things . Abiotic: Non living things EG. climate
        1. small scale ecosystem examples: freshwater pond, hedgerow, rockery
        2. freshwater pond
          1. Producers,consumers,decomposers,food chain (link between producers and consumers as a line diagram,food web (more complex link between producers and consumers
            1. nutrients cycling: sources are rainwater, weathered rock and decomposers
              1. pond margin: plenty of oxygen and light, shelter for plants and insects small mammal's food source. reeds and bull rushes
                1. Pond surface: plenty of oxygen and light, habitat for insects such as water boatmen and larger mammals such a duck and geese
                  1. Mid water: animal breathe though gills or skin. Habitat for underwater plants. Fish are the main predators
                    1. Pond bottom: Little oxygen and light. Plenty of shelter. decomposers and scavengers live here.
              2. case study: Avington park lake, Winchester
                1. Country estate. Lack of maintenance = accumulation of silt and plants. Positive result = excellent habitat. Negative: imbalanced ecosystem
                  1. 2014 restoration: Desilting the lake to provide better waterside habitat (for nesting birds) and improved the oxygenation of the water (encouraged diversity of plants and animals)
                  2. How does change effect ecosystems
                    1. Global change: hotter climates, extreme weather (drought etc.)
                      1. human activity: use of fertilisers, change of pH in water, adding of different species. draining of ponds for agriculture use. cutting down plants or trees at pond margin
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