Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Copyright Laws
- Copyright
- the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to
the originator for a fixed number of years, to
print, publish, perform, film or record literary,
artistic, or musical material
- Law
- the system of rules which a particular country
or community recognises as regulating the
actions of its members and which it may
enforce by the imposition of penalties
- Moral Rights
- moral rights for creators were
introduced into UK law by the 1988
law amendment
- UK Copyright Act
- the UK Copyright Act was last
amended in April of 2015
- the types of work protected within the act include: Literary, Dramatic,
Musical, Artisitic, Typographical arrangement or published editions,
sound recordings, film.
- For work to be eligible for copyright, the work has to be original
- Normally the individual or collective who authored the work will exclusively own
the work and is referred to as the 'first owner of copyright' however if the work is
produced as part of employment then the first owner will normally be the
company that is the employer of the individual who created the work.
- Just like any other asset copyright
may be licensed, transferred or sold by
the copyright owner to another party.
- Duration of Copyright
- For literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works: 70 years from the end
of the calendar year in which the last remaining author of the work dies.
If the author is unknown then copyright will last 70 years from the time
of release.
- Sound recordings and broadcasts: 50 years
from the end of the calendar year in which
the work was created or released.
- Films: 70 years from the end of the
calendar year in which the last principal
director, author or composer dies.
- Typographical arrangement: 25 years
from the end of the calendar year in
which the work was first published.
- Broadcasts and Cable: 50 years
from the broadcast was made
(calendar year)
- Acts that are
allowed and
- Restricted Acts
- Copying the work
- renting, lending
or issuing copies
to the public
- perform, broadcast
or show work
without permission
- adapt the work
- Acts that are allowed - these can be done to a
degree without infringing upon the work, after
this copyright permission must be sought
- Private and Research Study
- Educational purposes
- Criticism and news reports
- Incidental inclusion
- Copies and lending
by librarians
- Commisions
- Time shifting
- USA Copyright
- the act which in forces copyright in America is the 'federal copyright law
of 1976 and the congress holds the power of the copyright. Everything
involved within this act coincides with British Copyright Laws