Zusammenfassung der Ressource
static recycling rate in FBC
- Less customer engagement
- customer dissatisfaction
- reduced
awareness of
- leads to increased refuse, compounds the issue
- People say 'why bother'
- Increased disposal costs
as more refuse
- HCC pass costs on to FBC
- Capacity issues for trucks
- capacity issue at incinerator
- Stagnant or reduced recycling rate
- environmental impact
- CSR not met
- poor public perception of the Council
- EU targets and national targets not reached
- Fines possible
- Stagnant recycling rate
- recycling fatigue
- public aware of it but bored
of idea no incentive to carry
on or improve
- no new items can be recycled
- no markets for
several items that
are collected for
- Oil prices reduced meaning virgin
material product is
- technology not
available to use all
types of plastic
packaging that can
be recycled, or it is
too costly
- disposal contract is set for 25 years,
has been extended for a further 5,
so will not end until after 2030
- unable to alter HCC contract, predecessors tied us in
- reduced staffing
- redundancies
- budget cuts
- changes in government funding
- austerity measures
- reduced or no budget
- budget cuts
- pressure from HCC
- budget cuts
- efficiencies needed
- 50% recycling target
- National government pressure
- legislation
- 50% recycling target