Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How does Steinbeck evoke the readers sympathy for Curley's Wife?
- 'Curley's Wife'
- No Name
- No Identitiy
- No respect for women
- Context = Women were of less importance
- Belongs to husband
- His property
- She is looked at as a weaker character
- Appearance
- Repeated through the book
- 'Rouged Lips'
- Colour Red
- Contrast of danger and romance
- Forshadowing her death
- Sympathetic
- Provocative and promiscuous
- Unsympathetic
- How she is represented
- Characters opinions
- 'Tart'
- Wants attention
- Lonely
- 'She's got the eye'
- Untrustworthy
- Unsympathetic
- Lonely, wants some attention
- Sympathetic
- Normal person
- Dreams
- 'I coulda made somethin' of myself'
- like the others
- weak and hopeful
- Naive
- Shoiws she is a human and not just curley's wife
- Escape
- Sympathetic
- Bad childhood so ran away from home
- Lonely
- Unsympathetic
- Married Curley to escape
- lonely but she chose it
- Death
- Misunderstood
- vulnerable
- 'sweet and young'
- pure and innocent
- we were quick to judge
- 'her lips were parted'
- contrast to previous description
- opens up to audience and shows peace