Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Algebra and Numerical Sets
- -Natural numbers, Integers, Rationals and Real
Numbers. -Sorting and Comparison: Scales and
Scientific Notation. -Operatios and their Properties.
-Proportions and Percentages. -Powers with Integer
and Rational Exponent, and their properties. -Roots
and their properties. -Logarithms (base 10 and base e)
and their properties. -Elements of combinatorics.
-Algebric and Polynomial Expressions. -Mayor Product
and n' power of polynomial espansion, Factorisation of
polynomials. -Algebric Fractions. -Algebric Equations
and Inequalities of the first and second order. -System
of Equations.
- Functions
- -Basic concepts of Functions and their
Graphical rapresentation. -Elementary
functions. -Composite and Inverse Functions.
-Trigonometric Functions and Inequalities.
- Geometry
- -Polygonons and their Properties. -Circle and Circumference.
-Measurements of lenghts, surfaces and volume. Isometries,
similarities and equivalences in the plane. -Geometric loci.
-Measurements of angles in degrees and radians. -Sine, Cosine,
Tangent of an angle and their significant values. -Trigonometic
Formulas. -Solving Triangles. -Cartesian reference system in a plane.
-Distance between two points and midpoints of a segment. -Straight
line equations. -Conditions for parallel and perpendicular lines.
-Distance of a point to a line. -Equations of the Circle, the Parabola, the
Hyperbola, the Ellipse and their rapresentations in the Cartesian plane.
-Pythagoras theorem. -Euclid's first and second theorem.
- Probability and Statistics
- -Frequency distributions
and their graphical
rapresentations. -Concept
of random experiments and
events. -Probability and