Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Theme of Reputation
- "Shall our blood, The royal blood of Aragon
and Castile, Be thus attainted?"
- Act 2, Scene 5
- Having learned from Bosola that
the Duchess has just had a baby,
Ferdinand becomes enraged.
- Reveals the Cardinal's motivations
in preventing the Duchess
remarrying; he is concerned with
social status and the reputation of
the family, whilst Ferdiand is
concerned with her sexuality.
- "You have shook hands with
Reputation, And made him
invisible. So fare you well. I will
never see you more."
- Act 3, Scene 2
- Ferdinand is adamant
that by marring
Antonio and defying
the social order, she
has destroyed herself.
- Implying that she used to
have an honourable
reputation until she
remarried and had children.
By doing this, she had lost her
reputation as an honourable
woman (according to
- "Reputation"
- Capitalised- shows
- Important to
Ferdinand and
- "I will never see
you more"
- He leaves their father's
"poniard" to kill herself
- Suicide is a sin in the eyes of
God. Ironic as the family cares
greatly for their reputation yet
this would destroy it in the
time period the play is set.
Also, one of the brothers is a
religious figure in society.
- He expects that she will
listen to him due to her
role as a woman, but she
- Shows that he values the
family reputation more than
the family itself.
- Could argue that he is so angry
with the Duchess and is acting
in such a rash way that he
cannot see that he is the one
who is going to destroy the
families reputation- he has
told the duchess to commit
suicide and later becomes mad.
- They do not have a good
reputation to begin with.
Cardinal and Ferdinand are
known to pay followers to do
their dirty work, they are known
to be manipulative before the
plays events have even begun.