Characteristics of a Copywriter


Mindmap am Characteristics of a Copywriter, erstellt von Bernice Mosala am 12/08/2015.
Bernice Mosala
Mindmap von Bernice Mosala, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Bernice Mosala
Erstellt von Bernice Mosala vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Characteristics of a Copywriter
  1. Principles and practices of advertising, marketing and public relations
    1. Abilitiy to work under pressure
      1. Effecitievly discover insights, make emotive connections and alter persepctives through concepts and copy
        1. Detail orientated
          1. Knowing elements of copy and how to use them. Eg: Headlines, lead lines, taglines and captions
            1. Brilliant researcher, listener and observer
              1. Multi-tasking, focused, self-motivating and self-editing
                1. Imaginative: able to think of new concepts and correlating copy
                  1. Ability to work independently and collaborate effectivly
                    1. Visually and verbally inclined
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