Bath bomb Packaging


Peeya sanghavi
Mindmap von Peeya sanghavi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Peeya sanghavi
Erstellt von Peeya sanghavi vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bath bomb Packaging
  1. Materials
    1. Plywood
      1. Made by gluing multiple layers of thin sheets of wood. It is very strong and durable. It is also resistant to corrossion making it easy to use
      2. Plastic
        1. Acrylic
          1. It is formable and durable. It doesn't yellow easily and is easy to paint on
        2. Cardboard
        3. Aesthetics
          1. Theme
            1. Females
              1. Butterflies
                1. Flowers
                  1. Bathtubs
                  2. Males
                    1. Greenades
                      1. Football shaped
                        1. Scent
                          1. Strong
                            1. Long lasting
                              1. Males
                                1. Perfume like
                                2. Females
                                  1. Flowery
                                    1. Light
                              2. Color
                                1. Males
                                  1. Blue
                                    1. Green
                                    2. Females
                                      1. Pink
                                        1. Purple
                                          1. More Bright
                                            1. More warm colors
                                        2. Logo
                                          1. Both genders
                                            1. Serves a purpose
                                          2. Shape
                                            1. Bomb
                                              1. Greenade
                                                1. Shower
                                                  1. Milkshake
                                                2. Function
                                                  1. Prserve
                                                    1. Protect
                                                      1. Promote
                                                      2. Processes
                                                        1. Cutting
                                                          1. Dye cutting
                                                            1. Vacuum Forming
                                                              1. Laser cutting
                                                              2. Glueing
                                                                1. Nailing
                                                                  1. Filing
                                                                  2. Cost
                                                                    1. Low packaging price
                                                                      1. Bath bombs are expensive, thus packaging can't be
                                                                      2. High packaging cost
                                                                        1. They are expensive anyway
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