Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Creativity and Intelligence
- Creativity and Intelligence
- conjoint/disjoint?
- Neurobiology
- frontal lobes/temporal lobes/limbic system
- Maslow's Hirearchy of needs
- Implications for staff/pupils who's basic needs are not being met
- Role of the Principal/BoM/D.E.S.
- Tom Peters Vision
- S.S.E.
- Steps to Creativity
- Brainstorming
- Reverse Brainstorming
- Starbursting
- Random Input
- Kaizen
- Ideas must be taken on board
- Credibility/authenticity of principal
- Do we need to be creative in schools?
- why?
- attentional bias for novelty
- Vision/ethos/characteristic spirit of school
- dignity