Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Factors which contribute to a positive learning environment
- Regular feedback on progress
- needs to be open and honest
- praise and recognition for a good job
- identifying what went well and how to include that in future learning/outcomes
- constructive discussion on areas of lesser strength
- what have we learned and how to mitigate in future
- goals and timelines for improvements
- Group activities
- having the opportunity to work in smaller groups
- Clear learning objectives
- aims - what do we want to achieve
- what does success look like
- Knowing how to get help/support
- knowing who can help with what e.g. tutors, student support etc...
- Open and honest learning environment
- feeling you can share opinions/ideas without being judged
- Students, tutors, lecturers all working together in a positive manner
- belonging to a community - all in this together
- Learning environment
- engaging activities/lectures
- Having the right materials and resources
- Practical learning e.g. hands on getting to do it yourself